Well-Known Member
Just a reminder about the May 13-15 Illinois Vmax Rally in Bloomington Illinois
Rick Rash
Rick Rash
Anyone from the Michigan area coming to the Illinois Rally?
I'm only about 630 miles from Michigan Rick. What do you need? Maybe I can pick one up for you on the way. I'm famous for taking wrong turns, or completely missing a correct turn....and Shala will follow along knowingly w/o so much as a high sign to inform me of it. :bang head: lol
Have you made your reservation for this rally yet, Eric? Ride up, and put your bike in the back of my truck, and you, too, can ride along with my next missed turn. It can be adventurous at times. :biglaugh:
No I havent. Ive got some parts on order for the bike, and found out last night that now they wont ship until the 9th. If I can make it, I will definitely be there. I need to make more rallys this year. last year I made Eureka Springs....and thats it.
Thanks for the invite, and I will keep you up to date on how things go.
I do have one question....the trailer that I have is very big, and its good for multiple bikes, but sometimes I just want to load the bike in the pickup. What ramps do you use?
I only have an 8' 2x12 with bolt on ends made to convert the board to a ramp. I have a very good ditch out front of the driveway with the perfect depth to back into and make the ramp a 'straight across' loading affair. To get the bike out at destination, is dependent upon what we can find when there, a couple times we've simply used man power to remove & reload a bike. I've done that with both a Gen 1 & Gen II before. At rallies, there's usually always a supply of man power and/or a hill to back up to...
Im sure 4 of us could offload a scoot safely if need be, it would be a snap with an ATV ramp.
Im cutting it close with work but I should be there and ready to assist on the 12th if the weather and bike cooperate. Its about 1000 miles so I will prolly take a couple days ride and an afternoon to visit friends there before the gathering. If you roll in early and need more hands just call my cell and I'll be there.
I checked today. If you are unloading from a pick up truck there is a good hill by the Cracker Barrel to unload with. The longer the board the better