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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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i hate to start another oil discussion:rofl_200:but,
i noticed that yammi doesnt have the 20w40 anymore:ummm:
all they have is 20w50 . all the 4 cyl bikes i have ever owned i have used 10w40. 20w50 is for big v twins. :confused2:

anyhoo....my dealer gave me a deal on the 20w50....so i used it at my 600 mile oil change. im planning on going to a synthetic on my next change.

i really think 20w50 is kinda heavy for the max.....especially considering its liquid cooled.

i allready have a fav oil....so we dont need to get into that:rofl_200:,
but....as far as weight goes......do ya think that 50 is on da high side??

once again...plz accept my apology for startin an oil topic:rofl_200:.
yaall can spank my ass if u like:biglaugh:
Yeah, when I used it it was only for the heat of summer. I changed it to 10-40 or even 10-30 when August hit.
i'm thinking of using 10w-40 for the early spring and late fall oil change and keeping with the 20w-50 for the summer oil
I run 5W40 all the time... No matter what... It's a water cooled engine... IMO 20W50 is good for big air cooled twins.

The 20 is the cold viscosity rating and the the 50 the hot. I want a lower cold number for quicker oil pumping when starting it cold.

Running synthetic to early IS NOT recommended. Try to do it around the 3000 mile mark for proper engine and transmission break-in.

I have run the 20-50 castrol actevo but it also gets up to 115 in Redding in the summer were I live. My bike runs fine with the 20-50. If I lived in a colder climate I would switch to the 10-40.
I run 10-40 Spring and Fall, 20-50 during the summer months. Just changed over this last weekend. The first number, ie 10w, is the actual viscosity of the oil and the second number is the measured viscosity due to polymers added to the oil to make it more viscous. Problem is that in an integral tranny/engine oiling system the polymers in the oil break down quickly. In truth after a short period of time you are running essentially a lower viscosity oil than you think. If I would find a 20-40wt oil I would definately run it. The closer the numbers are the better. As with everything else like this is really is a matter of opinion. Just like the age old battle of synthetic vs dino oils etc.
I run 10-40 Spring and Fall, 20-50 during the summer months. Just changed over this last weekend. The first number, ie 10w, is the actual viscosity of the oil and the second number is the measured viscosity due to polymers added to the oil to make it more viscous. Problem is that in an integral tranny/engine oiling system the polymers in the oil break down quickly. In truth after a short period of time you are running essentially a lower viscosity oil than you think. If I would find a 20-40wt oil I would definately run it. The closer the numbers are the better. As with everything else like this is really is a matter of opinion. Just like the age old battle of synthetic vs dino oils etc.

Which is why I run Rotell -T 15w40 year round. It's just a touch of a compromise on the low end, but close enough AFAIC.
I run Rotella 5-40 synthetic year round.
The Vmax from what I hear runs pretty warm
so I would think 20-50 would be okay.
Just as long as it's bike oil.
Been running Castrol 20-50W Motorcycle oil, Dino flavor since day one.
Do you think running 10-40W in the cooler months really makes that much difference?
Should be able to pick up the thinner oil easier when its
colder. I've heard multiple debates about oil's for years,
I just read the oil thread link on this site and decided to
use the 5-40 Rotella based of the recommendation there.
According to a guy I know at an oil distribution plant the
Chevron techs told him only in the extremes i.e. in Alaska
in winter sub zero temps did synthetics make a difference. :ummm:
Jury is still out I guess.

Been running Castrol 20-50W Motorcycle oil, Dino flavor since day one.
Do you think running 10-40W in the cooler months really makes that much difference?
Should be able to pick up the thinner oil easier when its
colder. I've heard multiple debates about oil's for years,
I just read the oil thread link on this site and decided to
use the 5-40 Rotella based of the recommendation there.
According to a guy I know at an oil distribution plant the
Chevron techs told him only in the extremes i.e. in Alaska
in winter sub zero temps did synthetics make a difference. :ummm:
Jury is still out I guess.

That's the key word Transam-"EXTREMES" I'm totally convinced that, unless you are subjecting your engine to extreme conditions like sustained high rpm's, extremely high heat, bitter cold, etc., any good quality oil changed regularly and a name brand filter also changed regularly, your engine will be fine.

I have used this theory with every car, truck and bike I've owned over the years and never have had an engine/oil related problem with any of them!

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