3 Years Ago Today - Big Surgery (sort of graphic photos)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Hey y'all,

Today marks 3 years since my major surgery to correct my face following a nearly fatal car crash where I took a cable in the mouth at about 30 MPH. You can read about it HERE.

Anyway... April 18, 2013 a couple teams of extremely talented doctors at the Mayo Clinic removed about 5 inches of fibula bone from my left leg, and installed it into my left jaw to make a new jaw bone. The prostheses (ceramic teeth) installed later to compensate for 16 lost teeth. They also broke the roof of my mouth and moved it and all my upper teeth forward to align with my bottom teeth.

Certainly a major event, and glad I can tell the story with a happy ending.
God's been good to me!

Notice in the picture below that fracture in my right eye socket. Still amazes me my vision is just fine.





Me at work now... :clapping:

How many total surgeries did it take to get back to "normal"?

I had 2 in Hungary, then 2 in Mayo Clinic. I knew I would die if I stayed in Hungary. The U.S. needs to take notice how much of a failure socialized health care is. Doctors here have ABSOLUTELY no incentive to care about your health. They have a low, fixed government wage. And I have learned that patients' questions are NOT welcomed. The doctor will TELL YOU what to do. Don't ask why. Seriously. I had a list of questions for my Hungarian surgeon (who initially put me together). I was laughed at and mocked because I had questions, and he literally threw my list at me after reading it. During my last checkup here in Hungary, my lower jaw bone had died and become necrotic and infected. WITHOUT ANESTHETIC he grabbed a pair of pliers and grabbed the bone and started twisting, trying to pull it out of my face. I told him to stop and I immediately went to the U.S. for my final repair. I can tell you that the teams in the Mayo Clinic are world-class professionals who care about your health. In Hungarian hospitals, you are required to bring your own toilet paper and eating utensils. Just a couple days after I came out of my coma with my face all broken, they came in with a ham sandwich. Seriously? Every morning at 5:00 AM, they turn on all the lights in your room and mop the floor. What a disaster!!!
WOW rough road Thank God you made it back to the US. I agree there are so many people here that need to here about socialized medicine because its scary.
With a mug like that, only makes it harder for us single folks :( .
Way to go on the recovery.

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