7th Annual Spring Ice Breaker

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I think this is a better indicator of the weather where we'll be:
And as always along the Lake Front it's subject to change at a moments notice.
Either way I'm going to make the best of it and I figure we can always change our route according to the weather at the time.
The Local Radar is 100% more accurate than the Weather Channel.
The weather channel is VERY General in it's forecasts and not accurate at all, IMO.
I can easily check the Local Radar Saturday Morning and adjust our Route as needed.
So, Unless it is a total Washout, we'll figure something out. :)
We could ride to gowanda Harley too.. there having a huge vender thing going on, on main street show them Harley boys what its all about!!
I cancelled camping trip/riding in Watertown. That area looks wet all weekend and i don't enjoy tenting quite that much! The areas west of there look a lot more promising. Maybe I'll drop in for a visit!

^ Like Bob Barker used to say "Come on Down", we'd be more than happy to have you there ! :)
Chance of rain in Am then partly cloudy! 20% chaince of rain now!!! Whaaaaooooooo its looking better!
Gonna be a fine day for a ride!
I live a few miles off the planned route, in Holland NY... We can always duck in the home front to wait it out.

Due to circumstances way out of my control I will not be riding Toxic down to the ride. I will stop in at the hotel tonight and see who is hanging around and will try to make dinner tomorrow night for sure. Sucks to miss most of the fun but at least I will see you all for a bit!
Is there anybody else that plans on meeting at Dale's this afternoon? The weatherman is wrong, it's going to clear up, sooner or later! If it was Thunder week, would we backout? Larry
I think we will be fine tomorrow. Its you guys getting down here today that sucks!!! I was looking forward to seeing toxic that sucks
I was really looking forward to rolling on Toxic this weekend! Unfortunately the powers that be have made that impossible at this time. Hopefully the situation will be rectified shortly things will be good.
Women.... there never worth it... so is the plan meeting at 10 at the hotel??? I wont be there tonight im going to the taste of country..
I'm planning on heading over to the Hotel in a few hours (5:30 or 6 PM).
I'm also planning on getting to the hotel between 9 and 9:30 for the Ride tomorrow, so we can head out sometime close to 10 AM.
Was a total *****-storm in the Toronto area weather-wise today so I decided to take the weekend off from riding. To those who did get out there, ride safe and have fun.

There are only 3 of us so far, two that stayed last night at the Hotel and myself.
Hopefully we'll get a few more this morning.
A few guys have said they are going to drive in for the Dinner tonight but didn't want to risk the rain for the ride.
I'm heading over to the hotel around 9:30 am and we'll decide which route we'll take depending on what the Radar is showing us.
As of right now it looks like we may be heading down the 219 to Springville and taking the 39 all the way to 20A near Letchworth.
Then we'll go through Letchworth and take 436/63/21 to Naples and then the 21 up to Canadaigua.
Hey guys im gonna have to puss out. Got home at 2 am lastnight from taste of country concert sat out in the wind and rain all last night! They made us sit there and wait for a whole hour till 11 and then they cancelled the main act! I woke up at about 9 today. Forgot to set alarm last night I was pissed. Got my bike somewhat clean and got ready. Now its raining pritty dam good at my place. The wind is really strong and im riding two up. I think its a little to dangerous I don't want anything to happen to my girl. And I have no ones number saved I live about an hour east of the hotel and u guys plan on leaving in 7 minutes. This sucks. I wanna plan another day time ride for atleast us local folk. If boys from Ontario wanna come awesome but I think we should get another ride together.
Kind of sucks when you plan vacation time well in advance for an event and then it gets washed. Planning short-notice vacation for a rain date isn't always possible either. Perhaps 2 dates could be chosen well in advance? If plan "A" doesn't work out then it may be possible to cancel the vacation, work that weekend, and then hope for better weather for the back-up date (plan "B"). I know this may not be a viable solution for everyone's situation but it may help some.

What do you think, Jim? Could 2 potential dates be posted for future Icebreakers?


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