Guess I'm looking for something "non tacky"..... when a bike like mine goes through severe abuse before you get it, sometimes the last straw is to find a socket hammered onto a screwed up bolt.
I'm the guy who thinks.... how the hell would spending $11 dollars for a new filter bolt have been so much trouble? I don't see the problem with an OEM bolt. It does seem a bit small for an oil bolt, but I guess unless I strip it out, I'll try to use OEM.
I wonder what the point was in the previous owners even owning the bike I bought; all they did was tear everything to hell, crash it, paint every conceivable shiny part on the bike a motley flat black, and finally get rid of it. I'm dealing with a serious case of neglect and abuse, here.
Besides, the Max has a soul, right? I'm hoping it will know the difference between me and the previous owners! All of my other bikes have!