I dissasembled a nice runnning VMAX and every single thing is on ebay right now. Search ID manicmotos or by VMAX. Thanks
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manicmotos said:If you are saying what I think you are saying which it is stolen then you must now begin eating your words with lots of tabasco sauce. Earlier I advertisied motor and clean title, which by the way I sold for 100 bucks. But thanks for wasting your speculations.
manicmotos said:Sorry for the hastiness. And yes Tabasco can spice everhything up. MY apologies but the VMAX parted real well that I acquird from a buddy who needed money. I was however in fact surprised the clean titled frame went for 100 bucks. Somebody got a deal.
PS I've had some others accuse me of selling hot stuff and I was rubbed the wrong way. My bad.
I would send them to Paul Czernics.