I've had my 86 vmax for a few years and was told when I bought it that it had 150 hp just like the 85s. I didn't know anything then, the bike turned me on plenty so I bought it. When I looked into it later, all I could find was that the 1985s only had the 150 hp motor. I finally found someone else nearby that owns a few max's, and seems to know alot about them. He looked at the production date on my bike which says 12/85, and about crapped his pants telling me that my bike has the Japanese spec 150 hp motor... Anyone else know if this is true? And if this means my bike is worth more than if it were made in late 86 or something? Any way to tell for sure, i've never ridden another one so I dunno if its faster or what, she needs a good tune up anyways.