Bear in mind that the same A/F screw depth *may* not be the right setting! The only way to get each absolutely right is with an O2 sniffer, which'll tell you the A/F ratio. Now, most people don't have one of those (they're usually found on dynos) so we set them at 2.5 turns each as a starting point and go from there.
There are a few methods for finding the right settings such as listening to idle speed change while adjusting (may work well on a single cylinder or even a twin motor but never worked for me on a V4), looking at the spark plugs (white = lean, black = rich, light tan = ok) and generally riding the bike, making small (1/4 turn) adjustments and finding the sweet spot that way.
If any of your A/F screw heads are worn, most defo replace them! You never know when they'll get stuck again and if you strip a head it's a right PITA to get it out. Another good thing to do is to spray a little lubricant in the holes after reassembly (spray grease, WD40, PB) AND find some lil' plastic or rubber caps to close the holes and keep the dirt out.
Someone here found the right size (black plastic) caps a coupla years ago, and I got about 100 or them (minimum order) and distributed them around to forum members. I'm all run out now, but if someone can find the old thread it may be a good idea to get 100 more..