The polls have shown over and over that the majority of U.S. voters want health care reform. you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.
You are correct, people want health care reform.
- What they don't want is the largest redistribution of wealth program ever perpetrated on the American people.
- What they don't want is the government having unfettered access to all of our personal and medical information.
- What they don't want is a continual erosion of our rights and freedoms by a continually expanding and overreaching government.
- What they don't want is to have the government involved in personal health care decisions
Regardless of your ideology everybody has to agree the very premise and the way the law is implemented is a guarantee for failure. There is nothing about the way they are doing things that makes any fiscal sense at all. Aside from the massive impact that it has on the economy (reduced full time positions, layoffs, reduced benefits, etc...) the financial structure is going to put another massive load on the federal budget and push us further into deficit spending. To quote you
you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.
The congressional budget office has issued that report already. Every major financial analyst agrees with it yet the administration and the brain dead democrats continue to force this impending disaster on the American people.
Then there is the website.....where do I start with that....Obamacare is a massive clusterfuck, it has been from the start, and the rollout of the website continues that tradition. Seriously, 6 people the first day? What online entity has ever rolled out a technical product that has been such an abysmal failure? Obama likens their rollout to the launch of an Apple product?
Are you fucking kidding me? Apple should be vocally protesting the president comparing what is probably the biggest technical failure of the decade to any of their products, which undergo tens of thousands of hours of both reliability and stress testing before releasing to market. Hell Microsoft should be upset if they compared the rollout to even Windows ME. At least that product sort of worked.
Our illustrious leader calls what has been happening on the website "Some glitches". The crashing of your entire architecture is not a glitch, it is a failure....a massive architectural and implementation failure. The only way to fix this debacle is to postpone the implementation of the entire law. The only method for interfacing with the system is massively broken and needs to be addressed in a technically competent manner, not just putting band-aids on broken pieces of code until you end up with a
big ball of mud
In the interim insurance companies should not be canceling policies based on requirements in the law, when that means sending people to the exchanges because as of now the exchanges clearly don't work. That is simply common sense.
Next is a complete clearing of all technical contractors, personnel and management (Sebelius should be first on that list). These companies/personnel should be fired, not laid off, not allowed to retire......
fired. No benefits, no pension, nada. You fucked up to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars...sorry no golden parachute. All contractors need to be placed on a permanet "no-rehire" list. Their failure to implement this site is nothing short of gross incompetence and most likely fraud.
Put the implementation of the entire online and backend presence in the hands of one of the big e-commerce implementation companies. Let them come up with the architecture the way it should have been done from the start. Put information security as a top priority and ensure that the millions of people who are being forced to the exchanges have their personal information protected. For a company that couldn't design a system that would be able to process more than 1100 users concurrently, do you think they understand enough about security to keep users information safe?