I have a Daytona-tested UFO Dragstar 4/1 which is anti-socially loud, I have a Kerker 4/1 but I didn't want to lose my centerstand forever, so it sits on a shelf. I like it for the performance, but am going to have some alternatives shortly for toning it down a bit, as soon as Jon ships.
At Daytona, a bunch of Harley riders came out to the street to see my 'noisemaker' UFO 4/1 when I ran it down the street in front of their shop & congregating area, just north of Boxenstopp's. I like the sound of both, hear all you can & make an informed decision.
No one will want to ride next to you on the right w/a Dragstar so you will have more room. Don't accelerate past a L.E.O. to his left because he will not approve of your sound output! And, if you try to accelerate up to him & coast on by, when you get back into the throttle, you just may send his way a fireball! At night it's very impressive. It looks like the racecars at Sebring during the nighttime driving when they are coming into the hairpin & get back on it.