Just offering a question / suggestion.
Since it can only help, have you ever used Seafoam on your bike?
I had an annoying stumble around 4 - 5k. When pushing past that range, it would pull strong.
No matter what I changed out, it would still do it. (Fully broke down the carbs about 20 times, cleaned with ultra sonic cleaner, replaced boots, diaphragms, scrubbed jets - changed jet sizes, different needles, AF screw adjustments - everything you could think of).
Noticed than when I restricted the air intake on the air box with some duct tape, it would respond better. Not perfect, but better. This told me that something was not right with the Fuel/Air mix at that range.
Reading other members suggestions, I put 1/2 can of Seafoam in a full tank, for 2 fill-ups.. Ran the bike till it was close to empty. On the 3rd fill up (close too 200 miles). Noticed that the stumble had gone away. As a test, I removed the air-restricting duct tape and the bike still pulled smooth thru all throttle ranges. Looked like the Seafoam removed some micro particles that was not allowing the fuel/air mix to work correctly. All together, I used 1 and 1/2 bottles of Seafoam in my tank.
4 years now, and still running strong. I have not had to use any more Seafoam as of yet.