Age Discrimination - What are some thoughts?

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I think you are right in that people have been hired when they were not the most qualified because of their demographics. Sad but true. I would not be upset to see AA 'sunset.'
Back in the 80's I really wanted to get into law enforcement, I even wasted my time with a criminal justice degree. I scored a 99 out 100 on the state trooper test, I was ranked 13,000. I know people with dark skin and lacking testicles that scored in the 80's that got jobs, i was never a blip on the radar. Thing that pisses me off when I think about it is, had I gotten the job, i could of retired 2 years ago on more than I make currently as a nurse. I also took the local pd exams, again scored 98-99, nothing ever came up yet a kid I grew up with who's last name was ethnic because his grand parents were from Spain got a job and he scored 15 points lower than me. It's a joke. I had 1 inter view for campus public safety officer along with 15 other guys for 1 position, they were all white but also already worked in LE and were looking for "easier" jobs, my reply to the inter viewer when he told me that was why did you waste my time on a job I have zero chance of getting. Also scored well enough to be hired in the city I lived in but belonged to the wrong political party so I got skipped over.
I've been on interview panels back in my Lyondell days where HR CLEARLY pushed for what they called the "diversity" candidate, pushed hard too, when they were clearly, massively, unqualified, We pushed back just as hard using SAFETY as basis and were successful at getting them dis-qualified for the position, which was not for a trainee but for an experienced technician...