Another no spark after replacing starter clutch thread

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To all of you:
Its a oil leak and it is coming from the right under the shifter shaft. I could not find the little copper crush washer so I am assuming thats it.

The roughness is beginning to smooth out the more she runs.

I'd like to pass on that a perfect fit for the Original fuel filter is:
Duralast FF333ODL that sells in Autozone. It is a all metal affair but it fits perfect in the little rubber holder for the fuel filter and the inlet /outlet ports are the correct size too.

Zeuss that is brilliant with the S hooks. I used a old combat boot shoe string. ha ha.
But now will use your method. I hope I do not have to get into the starter clutch again for at least a year or two. I pean the **** out of them allens and used blue loctite.

**PS**Oh another tip I learned on my own. When putting the starter clutch back on the flywheel, to keep the little roller bearing from continually falling out every time you try to stab it to the crank and woodruff key. I stuffed the holes where the roller bearing and spring is with silicon grease. Its just the right consistancy to keep that stuff in there long enough to mount the flywheel.
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