Any LOST fans on here?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
Burlington, NJ
Just wondering if anyone else is looking forward to LOST next Tuesday. So many questions left unanswered and so little time for them to wrap up the series. So hopefully it will be good.
" yes " every episode ! ... Its bull-**** , how they are screwing it up by showing it here & there though ! ... It pisses me off !
I was a fan for the first 2 seasons, then got fed up with it going every which way but nowhere. I still love Kate though. Mmmmmmm... Kate.
I have to agree with the papers here, it's called "Lost" for a reason. Though I'm not so big on TV in general, particularly on shows you have to religiously watch to stay with.
I was a fan for the first 2 seasons, then got fed up with it going every which way but nowhere. I still love Kate though. Mmmmmmm... Kate.

I will be the first to admit, if I knew where it was going from the start I probably wouldn't have ever watched it. But now that I started I just cant take my eyes from it. I have to see what happens.
I was a fan for the first 2 seasons, then got fed up with it going every which way but nowhere. I still love Kate though. Mmmmmmm... Kate.




agreed.....I like the show for the same reason.....don't know what's going to happen next....I hate shows that are the same-ol, same-ol......
THATS WHY I CUT DOWN ON WATCHING SO MUCH PORN ! ...:rofl_200: :biglaugh::rofl_200:... LOST IS GREAT !