Anyone been skydiving?

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Well, sounds like something I'll have to try. I went to Cedar Point with that neighbor several years ago....I was probably 13 or 14 at the time. I remember then being really scared to go on these 3-400' high roller coasters. Of course I didn't really have a choice, I'd get pulled into line, plunked into the seat and then just have to "deal with it", and of course it was loads of fun and now I have zero fear towards any kind of thrill ride and absolutely love coasters. Guess I should look at this as just another thrill ride, and nut up and do it.

Hell it's probably why I bought the Max....a thrill every time the tach sweeps past 6000.
Now that would be cool as hell.........thanks for the invite

that really sucks she did that, wtf. well man if you ever end up on this side of the world can take you for a plane ride for sure. think you'd dig the skyvan, cool plane. think i can fit about 9 or more vmaxes in it hahahaha
May 1990 was the last jump for me,however the most memorable was December 1989 with the 18th Airborne Corps(SkyDragons) going into Panama. I earned the combat star for my jump wings, and my combat medic badge that and the following days.

Give it a try man. You only live once :)

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I've done 2 solo static jumps and it was great! If you are not sure or nervous, then look into a tandem jump first as you are just a passenger and don't have to do anything. A solo static jump requires you to take some training, because if the main chute doesn't deploy correctly, it is up to you to pull the reserve! ( I know there is a self deploying reserve... but still...).