Anyone ever install a hood scoop on a Vmax?

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A true ram air system is difficult (but far from impossible) to tune on our carbs and the benefit is pretty much not worth it. What I see him asking about is purely cosmetic and a personal choice that I don't see hurting anything.

I wasnt asking about it from a cosmetic point of view. I really was curious if its possible to gain some performance from a scoop.

Not that I would do it, just thinking out loud.

шульц, post in Russian, then at least I will know what you are talking about. ;-)
Depending on how high you mount it, it could give you a place to rest your chin while riding :rofl_200:
You would need to get it solidly in the airflow to get a pressure gain. That's going to be a super long intake tract to get it where it needs to be or routing around the front/sides of the bike. Not really all that practical. Plus the benefit won't start kicking in until 120+ which is not even in the normal drag race speed for most stock engines.

I really was curious if its possible to gain some performance from a scoop.

Not that I would do it, just thinking out loud.

шульц, post in Russian, then at least I will know what you are talking about. ;-)

"As a rule of thumb, for every 4C that air temp goes up, 1% of power is lost." And .5 psi cold positive pressure cant hurt.

Im talking about one of these.


I dont think a third fake scoop would look good.
Yea, I figured it was a dumb idea. Guess if I ever decide to force air into this engine it will be with a turbo.
I wasnt asking about it from a cosmetic point of view. I

шульц, post in Russian, then at least I will know what you are talking about. ;-)
хорошо,конечно :) только ,боюсь,что ничего очень хорошего из этого не выйдет .я иногда перевожу на английский,а потом обратно на русский и читаю,что получилось....так вот,я делаю так редко .там такой бред выскакивает,что страшно становится.... поэтому лучше поступать,как страус- написал,перевел и отправил...без экспериментов и голову в песок....вдруг пронесет:biglaugh:
well, of course:) Only, I fear that nothing much good will come of it. I sometimes translate into English and then back into Russian and read what happened .... so, I do so rarely. there is such nonsense pops that is scary .... therefore it is better to act like an ostrich-written, translated and posted ... without experimentation and head in the sand .... suddenly blow over

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