Are you a cat person?

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I saw something similar when I was about 12. We used to walk our English Setters in the evening after dinner , around dark. They were quail hunters and very gentle dogs. We had a big white Persian long haired cat that my mother found on a dock near the Cheasapeak Bay. That cat ruled the house and would pick on the dogs whenever he felt like it. Well , we were walking the dogs on the golf course about a block away from our house , when a local home owner opened his front door and let his two collies out for a pee break I guess. Those collies took off after our setters and attacked them on the course. Well sometimes the cat would go along for the walk and would dart from tree to tree like he was stalking something or trying to stay hidden for some game he was playing in his mind. I started running along with my Dad to break up the dog fight , when out of the corner of my eye , I see this white blur hauling ass straight for the dog fight. Just before he gets to the fight , he leaps into the air dead in the middle of the fight. All I could hear was the distinct screams of two collies getting their butts kicked. Then they take off for home yelping and screaming as that cat chased them all the way home. I guess he figured the two setters were his dogs and nobody could bother them but him. Funniest thing I had ever seen live and in person. Cat's nane wes " Baby ".
I pulled this video up on the tablet when I got home yesterday evening to show Shala, and as I waited for it to load, the 6pm news also brought it up. The video must have gone viral yesterday.

While we were still dating, I had rode 360 miles to Wichita Falls to be with Shala for a weekend, and her big gray cat, Oscar, decided he didn't like me taking his place on the bed. He pee'd in my open suitcase over night.

Shala & I currently have 12 cats.....all spayed or neutered. Two full time house cats are also declawed all the way around. The rest of them come and go as they please. I'm just the slave that provides feed to their food bowls.
We've had as many as five, down to three at present.
It's always amazed me how such supposedly simple creatures can have such diverse personalities, likes and dislikes, habits, etc.
And as the expression goes.....
"Dogs have masters, while cats have staff"
We don't have any in the present household (the wife doesn't like them and is allergic). We do however have cats at the shop (down to one presently that is full time). My parents always had cats while growing up and I had to put one down that was around for many years this last summer. I think he was documented at 18 though we know he was even well older then that.

I was told stories of our cat we had when I was a baby. Around the time I was two the story goes that the neighborhood dogs were being killed or went missing on a pretty regular basis. Finally my dad noticed our cat one day acting funny and ran to a tree and up to a large branch sticking over the street. Then he noticed the dog (not on a leash) coming down the street unaware of what was to befall him. The cat shifted on the branch into position and lept Banzaii style on the dog. Dad said the last he saw of the cat (for a few hours anyway) was him riding the dogs back all the while pulling chunks out of him and the dog screaming as it ran off.

The cat would let me pull it around by the tail and do whatever general bad things to it that little kids do until their parents kick their ass. The cat was apparently a very very large cat for a "domesticated" species. Around the size of a medium size dog? They point out our adult beagle for reference.

Of course the city came around with the various complaints and took the cat and had it put down.

I'm glad to see the Cat was the hero of the day here and i'd be owning that neighbors ass! He would be my bitch for sure!
good thing that cat got there quickly cause that dog was not playing games, might have even killed that boy if he had more time. I heard the dog tried to attack the police officers and they had to put him down..
I love cats. The worst I ever cried was over a dying Maine Coon called Thumper that I inherited from a friend that requested I take him before he died from cancer. I didn't really want him but felt I had to take him. He had me wrapped around his little paws in no time. Came when called like a dog, met you at the door, snored like a diesel locomotive, and could never get enough affection.
Were a four dog house now so I don't know if I'll ever introduce a new cat into the situation. The two dachshunds we have simply will never get along with a cat. I brought a cat home about 8 years ago from the horse barn and they liked to killed it before I even got it in the house. And my JRT pretty much wants to kill everything with fur too. She ignore the Pit Bull and the Chihuahua we have over occasionally for some reason but the dachshunds and everything else seem to be fair game.
I guess I should add I like indoor cats they have a leash law here to which people seem to forget. I am a huge animal lover but I have to say I have gotten rid of a few cats over time for pissing in my cars & scratching them to hell.
I guess I should add I like indoor cats they have a leash law here to which people seem to forget. I am a huge animal lover but I have to say I have gotten rid of a few cats over time for pissing in my cars & scratching them to hell.

I have too. I'm an animal lover just as I am a people lover but when they "go rogue" on my pets, lawn, cars or front door I draw the line. Dogs or cats either one.
Here is my cat after I start the vmax in the garage!

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I have too. I'm an animal lover just as I am a people lover but when they "go rogue" on my pets, lawn, cars or front door I draw the line. Dogs or cats either one.
YES Dogs to there was one of them in Texas that the neighbors kept telling me to watch out for that kept chasing them back in there house. He chased me in ounce & I done the right thing & called animal control & they basically told e they were to busy so I took care of it my self.
Yes Michele and i have always been cat person's. May 25th will be 29 years as husband and wife and we have always had at least one cat and when we were younger we both had cats in our live's. This is Taz and he is a super cool cat.


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