Hello all!! I'm not a new owner but a re-owner. I bought my '86 in '86 with 1,000 miles on it. Rode it everywhere for 12 years (Tail of the Dragon, entire Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive, all over WV, northern Georgia, Arkansas, Edgewater Drag Strip, even did the Penguin Road Racing Motorcycle School at Mid-Ohio on it). Sold it, regrettably, in '98 for a Superhawk . Now I have it back after 23 years!!! It's been sitting for at least 10 years. The last tag on it is from 2010. Already changed all the fluids and filters, washed/waxed/polished everything I could, cleaned fuel tank, rebuilt brake calipers, steel braided brake lines, pads. It will only run on starting fluid currently. Carb rebuild kit and carb boots on order. Shinko tires, either 777 H rated or 230 V rated will be next once it is running. Cannot wait to ride it again!!!!