Well-Known Member
Reading the V-Rod forum on VMAX topics yesterday and they really can be a nasty bunch, and at times very out of touch with reality.
FYI...The HD in Harley Davidson stands for "Hundred Dollars", if you go into a harley shop and look you will notice most everything with "Harley Davidson" on it cost at least that much. :hmmm:
I get the thumbs up from Harley riders all the time on the road, they ride by and stare and give me a thumbs up. Had 1 yesterday at a gas station ask me 'what the hell is that? It looks so badass, is it fast?' He was on a red chopper all chromed out, he asked how much it was and what year. Was shocked on both answers. He then told me how he never rides and spent over $15k on it. I said wow, it looks like everyone else's, and he said at least its American! He took off and let it rip down the road. I caught him on the highway and he down shifted and tried real hard to leave me, i of course left him with violent speed and he passed me later still giving me the thumbs up. I don't care what people ride, except those faggy can-am trikes, I flip those guys off if they wave LOL
Reading the V-Rod forum on VMAX topics yesterday and they really can be a nasty bunch, and at times very out of touch with reality.
I don't care what people ride, except those faggy can-am trikes, I flip those guys off if they wave LOL
careful. couple guys here ride them and they're good guys. what if it was that or no motorcycle for you? something to think about..
100% correct chains,sprockets when aplicable jap, forks Jap,brakes,pads,Jap,pistons,jugs,Jap,carbs as stated Jap,almsot 100 % sure steel sent to Japan & frames made in Japan assembled here I think? Yes the old knuckle heads,pan heads, some early evos 1983?? mostly american made. Yet they still swear ride buy american BUT many Hardley guys I know drive forein cars trucks .. HmmmmmmmDamn I opened a can of worms.LOL Remember as I said in the first couple post this is just a certain group that pissed me off . I know not all of them are that way. I am not against owning one but they just dont fit in my riding style for the time being. I think it is funny though how a ton of people think there all american. Hell Shoie has been making the forks for as long as I remember & how about them mikuni & keihn carbs. I would be here all day naming the china & jap parts on the new models since its about 70 % of the bike.
careful. couple guys here ride them and they're good guys. what if it was that or no motorcycle for you? something to think about..