AWARDED: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

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Award Request for Fire-Medic!

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
- a113ycat

Sender Information

Userid: 7667
User Name: a113ycat
What is your name?: Lawrence Faulkenberry

Request Information:
Award ID: 2
Name: Nice guy award
Description: Forum user who always helps out a fellow VMaxxer

Recipient username : Fire-Medic

Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.

This is being requested for this member going WAY above and beyond in helping me out with my 1995 VMAX. I mentioned that I was looking for one in a post. He not only helped me find one but also took his personal time to go see the bike test ride it and give me his opinion. He took the lead and negotiated a purchase price of almost 300 dollars off of the asking price for me too. On top of that he also coordinated the delivery of the bike to CaptainKyle driving with Specops across Florida to get the bike to Kyle who then delivered it to me in Texas. I honestly believe that this member did in fact go to all lengths possible to help another VMAX owner/member get the help he needed like a true Nice Guy. I have seen in numerous other posts where Fire-Medic has stepped up with advice and links to serve the community. Thanks A113YCAT
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

Devoting real time and real help, makes it a deserved award in my mind

Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

I had a lot of fun doing it Lawrence, and I got to ride a bike which encouraged me to redouble my efforts to get my own VMax back on the road, and that is soon going to bear fruit for me!

It is always fun to look at bikes for sale, since I already had a passing relationship with the seller, it was no problem to take the bike for a spin. I made sure VBoost worked... .

When I met up w/Kyle & Dave in Ft. Myers, I got to put faces to names from the forum. Good guys for sure, I have had business dealings w/the Tampa Posse now, and may just show up one day for their ModDay to hang-with the guys at the Tampa VMax Crib.

Reading this forum daily and seeing the creativity and civility displayed by its members, I want to do whatever I reasonably can to help others enjoy our selected hobby.

Someday, I will be asking another for assistance and I have a reasonable expectation that help will be forthcoming, and that the outcome will be worthwhile. I have already asked one or another for advice or an assist in doing something and have yet to be disappointed in the brotherhood. I will do what I can to keep it going, and I am sure others will too.

It was a pleasure to assist you Lawrence, and one day I look forward to meeting you in-person.
(same for you other guys on here).
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

This thread was initiated by a113ycat, one of our good brothers who was the recipient of a VMax
through the actions of Fire-medic. Firemedic has been more than willing to give freely of his time
on many occasions to help others. That definitely makes him a Nice Guy in my book...
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

definate yes! folks like FM make this forum more than just a forum!
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

A big YES from me, he gave me a helmet when I was in need of one. Nice Guy AWARD is in order.....
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

+1 definitely sounds like a selfless person. And that's pretty rare anymore.
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

As I have only been a member for a short time it is my pleasure to say that this story is Mor common than not. It never gets old seeing the cooperation and willingness to help from all our Members. With all the rude and nasty people on the Internet it makes me proud to be a part of this great group of stand up guys!

FM I say yes and thank you ;)
Re: Award Request for Fire-Medic!

You get my vote. Always available to help anyone out. Well deserved.

As we said in the '60s.....Right On!:punk:
And being ex volunteer Fire/Rescue, I really enjoy the related information and opinions he often includes with his posts.
Thank-you, I am pleased to recieve the recognition. I like to help if/when I can, as I have been on the receiving-end of much assistance from my brothers here. Yin-yang.

My wife thinks I spend too-much time here. At least I am not at the roadhouse swilling rotgut.

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