Barack Obama

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Mar 30, 2006
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Gretna, NE
Something to think about... Whether this is all real or not, it is pretty scary.

I gotta tell ya that this guy's politics scares the **** out of me. What scares me more is that he has made it this far, and that so many Americans are actually supporting this guy. Are they all that ignorant? Do they not know what this guy really represents? Do they all really think like this guy? Or are they all just mislead by his "WORDS". All are scary questions.

One needs to be careful when measuring the truth in something, or measuring the facts on any particular matter, especially during election year. There's all kinds of mud slinging going on...on both sides of the aisle. Nonetheless, this video documentary, however truthful or not, left me with one very clear and distinct impression.

This man, by his own actions and stated beliefs, is no patriot.

What in God's name has our Great Nation come to when a man like this can even be considered...just considered as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States?

This man appeals to the young, inexperienced voter. If this video scares you like it did me, send it on to all the young people you know.
As an outside observer with nothing to gain (but potentially much to lose) from the next presidency, I am blown away that ANY American could seriously consider ANY of the three leading nominees.

In the long run, it doesn't seem to matter a damn who gets into the white house oval office because they sure as hell aren't taking their working orders from the American People or the Constitution.

I think this article pretty much sums it up.

By Chuck Baldwin
May 16, 2008
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]I realize that is extremely difficult for some people to think outside the box. The vast majority of people are prone to be followers, to "go with the flow," to follow the path of least resistance. This appears to be the nature of human nature.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Therefore, I think I understand the reasoning of many who are so reluctant to step outside the two major parties and vote for a third party candidate. I seem to recall that I, too, was just as hesitant (though not for nearly as long as some people) as they are.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]We have all heard it before: He doesn't stand a chance; it's a wasted vote; we must work within the party to make it better, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Now, I will be the first to admit that the deck is stacked against an independent candidate succeeding at any political level. The two dominant parties do not like competition. And they have made it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for third parties to have a fighting chance to prevail. My brief experience in third parties convinces me that the old state parties of Eastern Europe had nothing on America's two major parties, when it comes to dominating and controlling elections.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]The media, too, is a co-opted and controlled environment. They refuse to cover minor parties and then attempt to justify their manipulation by saying something along the lines of, "We won't let you participate until you reach 'X' percentage points." But, of course, their refusal to give an independent candidate any time to present his or her views directly contributes to the lack of percentage points.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]I believe that any candidate who has obtained ballot access in enough states to theoretically obtain sufficient electoral votes to win the election (an arduous and expensive process all by itself) should automatically be included in any and all debates and should be given an equal opportunity to present his or her views to the public. Anything less than this is deliberate manipulation of the election. And that is exactly what the two major parties and their collaborators in the mainstream media are doing.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]That aside, one would think that sooner or later the American people would wake up to what is happening right in front of their eyes. One would think that they would realize that no matter which party wins the White House or wins control of Congress, most things stay pretty much the same.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]All this talk of "conservatism" or "liberalism" is--for the most part--nothing more than campaign rhetoric. It means absolutely nothing. No matter which party wins, the federal government continues to get bigger and more intrusive. American manufacturing jobs and industries continue to be outsourced overseas. Our military personnel continue to be used as the personal militia for the United Nations. Our borders remain open to illegal immigration. The creation of a North American Union marches forward. Construction for the NAFTA superhighway continues unabated. The tactics of the IRS get more and more egregious. Americans continue to work harder and longer for less return, while politicians and CEOs of multinational corporations get richer and more powerful.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]It just does not matter one whit which major party "wins." The American people, freedom, limited government, and the U.S. Constitution lose! One would think that at some point the American people would say "That's enough" and stop drinking the Kool-Aid from these two major parties. And if there was ever a year when the time appears right for such a revolution, one would think this would be the year.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Look at the three leading candidates: they are three peas in a pod. There is no substantive difference between them. Neither Obama, Clinton, nor McCain have any desire to stop illegal immigration. On this issue, there is no difference between McCain and the Democrats. None. John McCain even voted to grant Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. He joined with Senator Ted Kennedy to provide amnesty to illegal aliens.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Take the war in Iraq. The only candidate among the top three who even hints at bringing our troops home is Obama. And if anyone believes that he is serious about it, I have a bridge I would like to sell you. Neither of the two major parties has any interest in bringing our troops home. No matter which party wins the White House, our troops will continue to be used for U.N. missions all over the world. We will continue to stick our nose wherever it does not belong. We will continue our utopian plans of nation-building, empire-building and international meddling.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]No matter which of the two major parties captures the White House, the C.F.R. will dominate the President's cabinet appointees. Good grief! John McCain, himself, is a member of the C.F.R. Even in the area of federal judges, John McCain was one of the original "Gang of 14" Republicans who joined liberal Democrats in opposing the selection of strict constructionist judges to the federal bench. Anyone who believes that McCain will appoint someone such as Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia is living in a fantasy world.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Regarding the Second Amendment, Gun Owners of America rates John McCain with an F-. It doesn't get any worse than that, folks. On gun issues, John McCain is not the "lesser of two evils." Not in any manner, shape, or form.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Just recently, McCain committed himself to supporting the U.N.-sponsored global warming treaty. As with so many of McCain's policies, this one is right out of the Democratic playbook.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Regarding the loss of America's sovereignty and the merger of the U.S. into a regional or hemispheric government entity, noted columnist Cliff Kincaid writes, "McCain's strange rhetoric about 'North, Central, and South American life' reflects a view that nation-states are disappearing and being replaced by regional alliances and institutions. He referred to 'the powerful collective voice of the European Union,' as if the U.S. response would have to be submersion of our voice in a larger hemispheric entity. But McCain seems to be calling for something beyond even a North American Union (NAU) of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. He talked about 'creating the new international institutions necessary to advance the peace and freedoms we cherish,' as if they would be built on top of the EU and the NAU.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]"Earlier, McCain had declared, 'With globalization, our hemisphere has grown closer, more integrated, and more interdependent. Latin America today is increasingly vital to the fortunes of the United States. Americans north and south share a common geography and a common destiny.' But why should trade with America's neighbors necessarily lead to a 'common destiny?' This implies a political merger of the U.S. with other countries."[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Does that sound like John McCain is the "lesser of two evils" to you? Have you heard Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama talk like this? Again, in regard to the loss of America's sovereignty and independence, there is no "lesser of two evils" between the major parties.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Can conservatives, Christians, and constitutionalists really go to the polls this November and vote for someone such as John McCain? Do they really not see what John McCain would do to this country? Do they really believe that Clinton or Obama would be any worse? If they do, they are living in a fantasy world.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Take the issue of abortion. John McCain has made a career out of opposing pro-life candidates and causes. Just recently, Jill Stanek wrote a revealing column regarding the duplicity of John McCain's position on the life issue.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]See Stanek's column here.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]McCain has steadfastly opposed the Republican Party's pro-life plank. He has even stated his opposition to overturning Roe v. Wade. He said, "But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support the repeal of Roe v. Wade . . . ."[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]How long will conservatives, Christians, and lovers of liberty continue to blindly follow these two parties? Can they not see that our constitutional republic and our liberty is hanging by a thread? Do they not realize that Democrats and Republicans alike are willful participants in the destruction of our way of life?[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Ladies and gentlemen, please wake up! Get your heads out of the sand! Our country is imploding and we keep electing and re-electing the same scoundrels who are culpable. The media provides them cover. Many of our pastors and Christian leaders provide them cover as well. But it is the people of this country--you and me--who have the power to actually do something about it.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]How about this year--just this once--let's think for ourselves? Let's vote our principles. Let's forget what the pundits and experts say. Let's quit allowing the radio and TV talking heads to tell us who to vote for. And let's not be afraid to vote outside the two major parties. No, check that. Let's make a commitment to vote outside the two major parties.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]The two major parties have had 150 years to improve our country, to make our country a better place in which to live. What have they done with all this power and opportunity? They have brought us to the edge of destruction.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Americans have been electing Republicans and Democrats over and over again, and we have been getting the same result. Let's try something different this year. What do you say?[/FONT]​
Wow..... That video gave me chills and a re-enforcement of my opinion that I think that man *IS* the Anti-Christ! If he gets in, we're all screwed- BIG TIME!

I think I'm gonna be sick.....
Yep, McCain is no angel but he's definitely the lesser of the three evils. I'm going to research Ron Paul, maybe he's better.
The end of every democracy begins when the masses figure out they can vote themselves "bread and circuses"

Ours has begun, more people are wanting something for nothing than ever, and wiling to take it out anothers mans pocket to get it. When the masses vote for the candidate who will "give" them the most from the gov't coffers via your and mine pockets then the end of "work for reward" is on it's way and the slide into socialism has begun.

Or as my mom always put it to her high school classes...

"the world will always have people with wants and needs"..."they want what you have and think you need to give it to them"

I still think this is the greatest country in the history of mankind, and truly blessed by god through providence, no other has risen to such greatness or achievment thru the simple optimism and willingness of it's inhabitants to work their ***** off through every sort of trouble and continue to believe that "it" can happen for them if they simply work hard enough.

Our immigrants from countries such as Asia and India still believe this way because they have the perspective from their own countries to realize what great opportunities we are afforded here to make whatever of our selves we want to in this nation. Talking to many of them has taught me that they belive simply setting foot in the US is like winning the lottery for the simple fact of being able to go to college, start a business or do whatever they want "without" gov't permission. A lot of us have lost that perspective and believ that for us to "make it" requires gov't assistance.

Ayn Rand is my hero...............Truly a god among men, even if she rejected belief in God herself........

I agree.

I've done a lot of research in the last 2 years or so in the subject of the New World Order, Government interpersonal interference and govt. conspiracy theories. If you take the time to search out the real, accurate information based on documented, hand-written, undesputable facts; you will not sleep very well at's that scary!

Now I'll be the first to point out that out of 10 people claiming the "sky is falling", 7 of them are propoganda quacks that should be tied up for the rest of their lives in a straight jacket and put in a rubber room. However, the other 3 intellectual fact-finding people are real God-fearing, old-school American types of known personal/public integrity that see what's happening before their eyes/under their noses and have gone on the offensive to tell others about it before it's too late.

I read *everything* I can about the subject.....good and bad, to decipher for myself who's cooky and who's accurate based on the accuracy of their statements, proven documentation and just plain commen sense/gut feelings. It's important to keep a perspective eye on what you're reading, so you can stay on the straight tracks and not get carried away with one side or the other words, use commen sense and that God given, internally hard-wired feeling of what is right and wrong- your intuition. (or as Mom would your "gut feeling", as it most likely will never fail you)

I have come to the personal conclusion that there is far more truth to the kernals of accurate information out there about what's going on under our noses than I would like to believe, but know it's the truth anyway. That's a scary thing... I think it's vitally important for all Americans that actually have a will and are not one of those bleeting sheep "followers", to at least hear of what is going on out there, then form an opinion for yourself. Even if you think it's all B.S., at least you'll have heard both sides and when the day of tribulation does occur, you can't say you didn't know or wasn't pre-warned.

Knowledge...even a little bit, is power!

My guess is this post has probably been flagged by "Big Bother" from the keywords used by all of us on this board about the subject, but you know what- I don't care, because what's a guy supposed to? Live in fear? Not me...

I just keep looking up, trusting in the Lord and believing that he has everything under control for my life. So far, he's never let me down, so I have no fear of the future, however, I'm not blind to anything either....

- john
The end of every democracy begins when the masses figure out they can vote themselves "bread and circuses"

Ours has begun, more people are wanting something for nothing than ever, and wiling to take it out anothers mans pocket to get it. When the masses vote for the candidate who will "give" them the most from the gov't coffers via your and mine pockets then the end of "work for reward" is on it's way and the slide into socialism has begun.

Or as my mom always put it to her high school classes...

"the world will always have people with wants and needs"..."they want what you have and think you need to give it to them"

I still think this is the greatest country in the history of mankind, and truly blessed by god through providence, no other has risen to such greatness or achievment thru the simple optimism and willingness of it's inhabitants to work their ***** off through every sort of trouble and continue to believe that "it" can happen for them if they simply work hard enough.

Our immigrants from countries such as Asia and India still believe this way because they have the perspective from their own countries to realize what great opportunities we are afforded here to make whatever of our selves we want to in this nation. Talking to many of them has taught me that they belive simply setting foot in the US is like winning the lottery for the simple fact of being able to go to college, start a business or do whatever they want "without" gov't permission. A lot of us have lost that perspective and believ that for us to "make it" requires gov't assistance.

Ayn Rand is my hero...............Truly a god among men, even if she rejected belief in God herself........


I also admire Ayn Rand and I feel her philosophy is probably more relevant today than it ever has been. There are some very good interviews with Ayn on you tube. (With interviewers who are courteous and actually know what they are doing)

In this clip Ron Paul discusses Ayn Rand. That is interesting in itself but what struck me as being the stand out feature of this clip is the fact that Ron Paul is completely at home talking to ordinary people. Unlike the other Presidential Candidates, Ron Paul is not surrounded by a sea of security men.
This country has lost all integrity,morals, beliefs if any one would even think of voting for barrack,I believe in God and it is already written whats to come . :bang head:
Yep...I'm so disgusted with the choices this time, I can't convey it in words!

KY has been called a racist state now, because, HC won the Demo primary this week by a mile.

Idiots don't understand that this is a republican state with most republicans registered as Democrats, so we can vote for the least likely to win against our candidate in demo primaries...IE HC.

I'm refusing to vote until someone deserves my vote! WTF America??? Gas at $4 per gallon and we sit here and take it in the arse while GW smiles and talks about terrorist on the other side of the world.

Where is a the cheap oil we were to get in return for saving Iraq from the evil one??? Maybe they're waiting until we get Iran's also before the price per barrel drops? Just another move in the world game of chess we're currently losing it looks like. Blame it on the weak dollar, why is it weak in the first place??? Nafta and the EU, all while big red bear is smiling ear to ear!

National security should be our #1 priority! Just seems easier to defend our country when we actually have our boys on US soil. I'm a full blooded republican saying this, with a strong military background on both sides!

Special OPS could handle the Iraq/Iran situation much quicker and cheaper!

Geeeeeez ...getting off my soapbox now :bang head:


Where is a the cheap oil we were to get in return for saving Iraq from the evil one??? Maybe they're waiting until we get Iran's also before the price per barrel drops?


I tend to agree with most of what you said except for this........

The only people who ever said we were going to get oil out of Iraq or that we were going there for their oil were the sign waving, "Halliburton is evil" protestors in the street screaming like a bunch of freaking idiots.
I have a lot of issues with how we have handled this whole thing, too many and too complex to even discuss...but we never went to iraq for oil unless you can rationalize that statement be saying that going to iraq and restabilizing the area before it spirals completely out of control would help to MAINTAIN the stability of the world oil supply.

But if anyone thought we were going to go over there, drill holes in the ground, load up some oil and ship it directly back to the US without paying market price for it; we'll....they've been listening to too many hollywood celebrities and too much "Air America".....

Simple laws of supply and demand are at work here........Albiet highly aggravated by the speculative trading that goes on in the Commodities market...

The primary reason our oil is high is because of world demand that is skyrocketing.......It's compounded on the supply end becuase our own energy policies of "non-development" of our own resources coupled with barely any refinery capacity growth due to Gov't restrictions and red tape.......

Until we make a commitment to drill EVERYWHERE we have oil in the ground, I don't give a **** if it's a 100 feet of the Santa Monica Pierr or in the middle of the reflective pool at the Washington Monument, then we can expect to keep paying high energy costs.

The other thing is that oil should be taken OFF the commodities market, along with any other enregy or food product, Speculative trading is interfering with the real costs of these products..........I've heard it said that speculation actually helps to soften the cyclical highs and lows of the commoditiies market and helps to maintain a smoother curve on the price changes but if that is the case I'd just as soon see the spikes and dips....hell, I do on my electric bill that spikes and dips due to the weather, I know it's gonna be high in the summer and lower in the winter, I just deal with it...
I tend to agree with most of what you said except for this........

The only people who ever said we were going to get oil out of Iraq or that we were going there for their oil were the sign waving, "Halliburton is evil" protestors in the street screaming like a bunch of freaking idiots.
I have a lot of issues with how we have handled this whole thing, too many and too complex to even discuss...but we never went to iraq for oil unless you can rationalize that statement be saying that going to iraq and restabilizing the area before it spirals completely out of control would help to MAINTAIN the stability of the world oil supply.

But if anyone thought we were going to go over there, drill holes in the ground, load up some oil and ship it directly back to the US without paying market price for it; we'll....they've been listening to too many hollywood celebrities and too much "Air America".....

Simple laws of supply and demand are at work here........Albiet highly aggravated by the speculative trading that goes on in the Commodities market...

The primary reason our oil is high is because of world demand that is skyrocketing.......It's compounded on the supply end becuase our own energy policies of "non-development" of our own resources coupled with barely any refinery capacity growth due to Gov't restrictions and red tape.......

Until we make a commitment to drill EVERYWHERE we have oil in the ground, I don't give a **** if it's a 100 feet of the Santa Monica Pierr or in the middle of the reflective pool at the Washington Monument, then we can expect to keep paying high energy costs.

The other thing is that oil should be taken OFF the commodities market, along with any other energy or food product, Speculative trading is interfering with the real costs of these products..........I've heard it said that speculation actually helps to soften the cyclical highs and lows of the commodities market and helps to maintain a smoother curve on the price changes but if that is the case I'd just as soon see the spikes and dips....hell, I do on my electric bill that spikes and dips due to the weather, I know it's gonna be high in the summer and lower in the winter, I just deal with it...

Hey Rusty. I know the conventional wisdom says that high fuel prices are simply a matter of supply and demand BUT this matter is far from simple.

If you want to know more about the outrageous price of fuel read my thread on Fuel Prices.
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Hey Rusty. I know the conventional wisdom says that high fuel prices are simply a matter of supply and demand BUT this matter is far from simple.

If you want to know more about the outrageous price of fuel read my thread on Fuel Prices.

I agree there is a little more than simple supply and demand going on what with the numerous hands in the pot on this quibble is mainly with the oil compnay haters and also the ones who think we went to war for oil.....

It's like people that keep regurgitating what they hear from politicians and the media about "outrageous" oil company profits....

Yes the NUMBERS are huge, but so is the revenue....but a fair profit is calculated from revenue and overhead, and if a company brings in 100 billion in revenue and after overhead and "cost of business" and taxes they maek a 10 billion profit then their profit margin is a simple 10%....

To me that is simple enough.....that's a smaller profit margin than many, many other companies make on thier investment, and fair by any defintion. If people don't like it then maybe they should figure out how to get it out of the ground themselves.

Force the oil companies to eat the difference due to our restrictive energy policies and specualative trading habits just so the consumer can have cheap gas and...

"Atlas will shrug"

Compare gas to milk.........look at the overhead and cost of production, what it takes to get the products to market for each of them......yet no one is screaming about greedy farmers....

Or compare gas to the real price historically when indexed against inflation...indexed against inflation we just recently started paying more than the all time high.......