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May 24, 2012
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With my bike apart for painting and the carb rack off for rebuild, I thought it a good time to check
the valve clearance's. I am no stranger to the Vmax engine and had this particular engine case split
soon after I got it from John at PCW, for undercut gears I think it was.
When I check valve clearances I remove the stator cover plate, start at #1, exhaust cam and turn
the 19mm crank bolt just enough to get the lopes tits up and go in under the cam, measure both
lobes and move on to the intake cam with a turn of the crank, routine right? This was the first time
I noticed the exhaust cam upper limit is written as a four place dimension, (pic)
0.26 to 0.30mm (0.010 to 0.0012 in.). 0.30mm = 0.012 thousandths right?
Looking at the page this call out is used again in the cylinder warp limit window but converted
correctly, 0.03mm (0.0012 in.)
So this misprint really isn't all that big a deal, heck I'm just noticing it after using this manual for
10 yrs. now. BTW valves looked good (pic)
Now early in on this Vmax animal, about that 10 yrs. ago I was trying to time the valve train (dots)
and was having on helluva time with the opposite head, I think it was the #2,4 head not timing per
the manual. So I packed my block, heads and all to a shop here at the time, Faster Motorsports,
their guy was a "Vmax guru", he asked to see my info, my manual. I got it opened to the pages that
had me stumped, showed him and the guy threw my manual on the shop floor saying they don't
translate "mirroring images" to English. I'm thinking what the F*^# does he mean.
He showed me that the big dots and small dots explanation wasn't "mirrored" for the front head
from the back and that this, my manual is junk....
Later on I was putting the clutch basket assy. back together after rebuilding the clutch slave, DD
and new friction rings, again going by the book it wasn't happening per the diagram.
The orientation of plates 6, 10 and 11 weren't allowing 3 and 4 to seat for final assembly. (pics)
I did get it sorted out using DD mod YouTube videos.

So with my long winded explanations of a few typo's in my Star Vmax manual, what other manual's
are out there with better pics, maybe color pics, wording that isn't translation but actual English
vernacular and procedure, or just plain better accuracy would be nice.
Hum, maybe the mystical manual is why the forum was born .....
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