Big Afterthought

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Well, if that's accurate then I stand corrected. Still, dubya contributed a lot too. I don't disagree that Obama has run up the deficit dramatically, but he's not the only one. I'll try to find info supporting my position when I am at a pc.
Here is the bumper sticker that I like..


  • hows_that_hopey_changey_thing_bumper_sticker-rf8ef000e80aa423f8fcfe8ac17b506f1_v9wht_8byvr_512.jpg
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OK, back in front of a PC today. Here's an unbiased site that refutes your claims about the deficit. I keep an open mind, and I am happy to say that my first post on this was accurate. Here it is from

Yes, this too is a bit out of date, but it supports what I've said already - dubya was worse than Obama concerning the deficit.

Yes, it's gone up astronomically under Obama too, but nowhere near what you are claiming.

Indoctrination includes the process of believing what one hears as truth without checking the facts for one's self. I try not to fall into the indoctrination trap, but anyone who claims that "the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined." is certainly suffering from indoctrination.

Obama has his faults, no doubt, but the least you can do is provide accurate facts.

I rarely become embroiled in political banter, but I felt the need to stand up and provide the facts in this inaccurate thread.

OK, back in front of a PC today. Here's an unbiased site that refutes your claims about the deficit. I keep an open mind, and I am happy to say that my first post on this was accurate. Here it is from

Yes, this too is a bit out of date, but it supports what I've said already - dubya was worse than Obama concerning the deficit.


Did you happen read this paragraph, from your own link?

"That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s FIRST FOUR YEARS than it did in George W. Bush’s ENTIRE EIGHT YEAR tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history."

Quoting percentages is very misleading, as the starting point has a tremendous effect on the actual number of dollars. 25% of a trillion is a hell of a lot more than 95% of a billion, for example. Bush doubled the amount in his 8 years, yes. But since Obama started from that huge amount, his percentage increase makes the actual dollar amount much greater than you seem to be willing to acknowledge. And I will apologize for including that one about "more than all other presidents", but it wouldn't surprise me if, by the end of Obama's full 8 years, it turns out to be actual fact.

AND BTW, your cartoon would be more nearly correct if it said "the 25% black, 50% white, and 25% Arabic" guy.
OK, I stand corrected. And you are correct about the amount. I do believe, that under the circumstances, anyone in office for the past 2 terms would have had similar issues with the deficit. Paying for two wars ain't cheap!

I will concede, however, to your information. I'm a taxpayer too, and no, I do not like what has happened.
Thanks for that, Pete. I just wish the Gov't, no matter who is president, would would treat the deficit as any business does. DON'T SPEND MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN. Many people equate debt with deficit, when they are actually two different things. Deficit occurs when you spend more than you take in. Debt is the result of accumulated deficits. Surplus is when you take in more than you spend, but it doesn't mean you no longer have debt, because the debt is long-term, while a surplus is generally short-term. We would need eons of surplus to pay off our existing debt.