Big controversy over helmet law

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Buster Hymen

Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
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Here is Ontario there is a mandatory helmet law. Just recently a Sikh has challenged a ticket he got for no helmet as, I guess, the turban won't fit under a helmet . In British Columbia, they amended the law there so you don't have to wear the helmet. There are huge threads going on about this on local bike boards, I was wondering if there is/was/might be similar laws where you live. And PLEASE, let's keep the posts civil!!


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Here in Nebraska there's a mandatory helmet law. Across the river in helmet law.

There's a bill in the Nebraska state legislature to change the law so that people under 21 are required to wear a helmet but 21 and over are not required.

IMHO, repeal the law everywhere. It's their choice and if they want to die stupidly like Indian Larry then so be it. Most of the time, stupid people die first.

Helmet law repealed here in Florida just a few years ago. Now every time a rider dies in a crash, the media always states whether or not he/she was wearing a helmet ( as if people in cars never die from head injuries ). I say let those who ride decide ,it's a free country. Personally I wear a full face, crash jacket & gloves becuase I've seen what's left of a live being after skidding down the highway, & I like my skin & head just the way they are.
I wear mine all the time. I am mixed on the issue. I don't think WE need to pay for people that don't wear there lid and are hospitalized for it. The problem you have is insurance pays for all of it and OUR rates go up because of it.

People say helmets are too hot and this and that but I have yet to die riding with a helmet... personally I think it's a vanity thing. People don't think they look cool with a lid on. I guess I think about what I would look like if I went down without one...

As for the religious reasons for not wearing one... Don't ride then! :whistlin: P.C. is B.S.
I should have cleared up a point in the original post and that is they want the law changed to you have to wear a helmet unless you wear a turban. So in other words, if you are not a Sikh, then you have to wear a helmet. This is where the controversy is happening.
To add to my post I think that if there isn't a helmet law then there should be higher insurance rates for these individuals. Basically, the insurance company should have a waiver that you're only covered if you wear a helmet. Or maybe make a two tier deductible. $250 if you wore a helmet....$2000 if no helmet. Of course, deductibles don't mean much if you die.

I'm not really mixed on the subject... I think it should be the riders choice. But I do understand and agree with Chris; we do get stuck paying for others many times, but it also carries over to smoking, drinking, and various other lifestyles.... and I don't ever see that changing here in the states.

Wonder if she would pass?

Edited for Sean..... my bad!


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dang man, you got to warn us with pics like that. I am here at work and if someone walked by even with it as the thumbnail I'd be looking for a job right now.

Surprisingly MN doesn't require it. I say surprisingly because this is the ultimate babbysitter state. I keep waiting but the cycle lobby must be pretty strong. MNDot estimates that 25% of motorcycle deaths would be avoided with helmets. I looked it up, thats about 12 a year and enforcement would cost a ton.

On weekends our group can reach 20 bikes with maybe 8 passengers. Of them we have one rider with a helmet.

I don't think you could change it to turbans or helmets. Some smart individual would start designing dew rags that has turban qualities. Then there would be a debate on what a turban was. Then claims of religious intollerance, profiling etc. Eventually they would just chuck the whole thing or the cops wouldn't bother unless you were riding dangerously. That's the US system, complicate to a stalemate.
In the years prior when there was still a law in place here in FL...I used to ride with one that had the large 'Helmet laws Suck"..."Let Those Who Ride Decide" stickers etc on it....made a couple runs to Tassahalley with many other ABATE members to protest... Then shortly after I sold the HD and 'retired', the laws were finally shot down...

Now I'm back up on my V Max, and wear a helmet everytime I'm out on the road... I often get asked by older dudes who knew me back then, about it...and tell 'em "it ain't the fact that I ever hated the damned helmet that much (I wear a HD halfshell), I hated being told I HAD to!"... Helmets sure ain't no life savin' magic bullet...but every thing included, it might just help....

Some of the worst damned cage drivers ever known, seem to congregate in this part of the world... and they're all out to gitcha!

But however you do it, is sure OK with me!

As far as turban wearing goes, I say that's HIS problem ! Operating a motor vehicle on public roads is not a "right", it's a privelege & laws should be observed by all. I'm so sick of these special interest groups that want special rights just for them. There was a lady in the courts here in FL a while back that refused to remove her veil for a driver's license pic - the state refused her a license so she sued. I never heard the outcome, but I know what I would have told her - TFB !
Not to get nasty.....but I live in the Middle East and the Seikh's here seem to figure out how to wear a helmet! Why is it when they get to Canada they have to make a statement? First the Mountie's.... now the riders?

Here, if you dont were a helmet...your loss. But rarely do you see riders without at least something for a lid. And it gets HOT.

I was watching the Dubai Desert Classic Golf tourney and a Seikh even had a golf visor fastened to the turban!

Remember Bebe from the Buffalo Bills....maybe something like that would work....hey, there's a business opp for someone:cheers:
If you decide not to wear a helmet, you should first have to sign off on your insurance. You may claim bike damages if your bike is rode off and it wasn't your fault. However, if your injured, too bad so sad. You cannot claim personal injury on your insurance nor sue for compensation, doesn't matter who's fault it is !

And to make the message clear - you have to pay a major premium to boot. Because !!! Chances are if your not wearing a helmet and live ! - your going to be in a ambulance for a ride to the hospital and somebody has to pay for that.

If your have insurance that covers you to ride with a helmet and your caught without one. Your M licence is revoked for 5 years and your insurance is trippled.
dang man, you got to warn us with pics like that. I am here at work and if someone walked by even with it as the thumbnail I'd be looking for a job right now.


Hey Sean, you work at the Vatican?

In New South Wales, Australia [SIZE=-1]"The law requires all motorcyclists and their pillions (passengers) or sidecar passengers to wear helmets of a type. approved by the Roads & Traffic Authority.

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]By law, you must also wear an approved bicycle helmet while riding a bicycle in NSW.

I don't give a hoot what anybody else wants to do to their body but I'm very fussy about what happens to mine. Full face helmet, leather kevlar body armor, it's all good for me.:punk:
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OK well think of it this way. We have a major problem of people here in TN not having medical insurance. So guess who pays for all the bills, yupp you guessed it us the tax payers.
If there was no helmet law this would cut back on the hospital bills not many many motorcycle riders survive that dont wear a helmst.
Its an odd way of looking at it but think about it.
I'm a nurse.

If you want to put it in perspective, visit a brain damage unit and see who survived NOT wearing a helmet.
Well the decision came in Friday afternoon... and surprise, surprise the Ont government showed some backbone. Basically they said the law states you have to wear a helmet if you ride a motorcycle. If you can't or won't, then don't ride a motorcycle! :clapping: I was a bit shocked as BC and Manitoba both caved in to the Sikhs there. And as a parting shot, they also said he had to pay the $110 ticket he got back in 2005 that started this whole thing.
You guys are gonna hate me, oh well


This is not about helmet laws, it is about losing our rights or shall i say giving preference, either way it is discrimination against those that arent towel heads.
Here in Minnesota we had the driver license issue also, dont know the outcome.
But you guys whine about your right to choose if you want to wear a helmet, LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE here, stand up for what to me is the more important issue our equal rights or shall I say unequal rights.
Not to stand up for those allegedly stinky, liberal French, but they got one thing right in their country, They now have a law that states you cannot wear a turbine or veil.
To me that is infringing on human rights, but at least they are doing against the correct group and are protecting there on native people.
I could go on and on but I cant type fast enough. I could give you all more info about the preferential treatment to anyone other than a white male, I work for a minority owned construction company, great people but the Govt is fucked up for these laws for peopl who just enter our country.
An white irish, who just moved here man cant get govt assistance , but another man who is not white can. Even though they both just came here.
We never held back any of these new other than white people moving here, why should they get assistance