Bike not running right need carb cleaning help

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Ok thank you,

In the service manual that i have, in Carb maintenance it does not address removing the "seat" that the needle sits in. Can someone explain how to remove the seat? I bought a carb rebuild kit and the seat and needle come with it, I am assuming I might as well replace them since I have new, but the old does look good and clean. Does the seat "twist" out? do i pull it out (the direction the seat sits in? Do i push it through the other side (there's a silver round flat piece opposite side of carb exterior)...
The seats very rarily go bad or need to be changed . I would personally not worry about them.
if second gear is shot, so is your motor. UFO offers new motors for 4 grand...act now and several and have spares in stock.

Film at eleven
Ok, thanks. i'll buy as many motors as I can fit in my dorm room. It's sounding like I don't need much from the carb rebuild kit. Gasket here or there and thats it...damn. new needle and seats but they seem to be clean. I won't worry about them...thanks.

I hold the carb upside down, and the semi-circle (moon shaped) cutout in the float, from what I have been reading, is supposed to be approximately at the "bottom edge" of the casting circle?... dammit i have read so many different methods of dry measure float level.
what the hell do I commit to? Should I do the moon shape, casting mark, then turn it 180 degrees and see if I read/measure 1.117 or whatever it is?
I am cleaning and reassembling one at a time...scrubbing the parts and making em purty.

dammit, i feel like Tom Hanks in the Money Pit at this point.

If my fuel pump is going bad, i was told that some use a typical fuel pump from auto parts store, 3-5psi max... does anyone know about that?

In addition, does anyone know about resoldering the contact points in the V-Boost module? I believe mine is shot but was told that I may be able to fix it doing that..... my source said there at 8 or so places to do this...

In addition addition....has anyone ever re-upholstered the seat? I need to do mine at some point, God knows when, and would like to try to tackle this myself as well....thinking Faux Ostrich.....
It's the top of the casting circle, with the carbs upside down....and only commit to a wet level check, the other methods are only to get you in the ballpark.

After you do a bunch of them you get pretty good at it but some still come along that measurements and casting circle settings just won't work with.

Wet levels tell you what you have....not what you're s'posed to have.
Ok thanks. I believe there is a sticky in this forum somewhere I can find out how to measure wet level. Do you do that while the carbs are still installed in the bike?
What if you have to change float level? remove carbs again and reinstall... again and reinstall... omg... this is some real crap.. someone one here need sto convince me to keep the bike and not pawn it off for 1500 bucks. grrr