Biker gang shooting, TX

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Hell no....I don't blame The franchise holders of Twin Peaks at all, they're trying to make money, pay the bills....I'm sure if they would have had even an inkling something like this could happen they would have tightened their operation up a little. Now the corporation has pulled their franchise and they've lost their whole investment AND probly gonna get sued ten ways to Sunday to boot.

But Waco is looking for a scapegoat so.....they'll do!

Twin Peaks was notified by the law enforcement a number of times...every time the request to cancel having the COC was ignored by the management. thus the reason that they lost their Franchise no more Twin Peaks in Waco

also I found this article that says what I suspected as well. The police were waiting outside and when the fight broke out inside the SWAT team burst out with gunfire and all 9 fatalities were at the hands of the police NOT one person was shot by a biker
Bandidos are involved now whether they actually were or not.
I haven't seen any of their patches in the pictures.

Yep I have not seen there patches either and I am sure there is a reason the club huge and probably bigger than that town wants to deal with. I probably had some friends there to. I am still not blaming TP they are an escape goat for this ****. A lot of stuff we don't know about and coc meetings are usually peaceful. I believe there was something else happening here. You have to think of the buisness to think of all the backlash they would get if they said no bikers. BOTTOM LINE TO ME IS LOTS OF STUPID PEOPLE PROBABLY FIGHTING OVER TERRITORY NOT MUCH DIFFERENT THAN THE PEOPLE OF FERGUSON IN MY OPININION AND I AM SAYING THIS MOST LIKELY WITH PEOPLE I KNOW BEING THERE .
This kind of **** explains why I never refer to myself as a 'biker'.. I respectfully correct those that refer to me as one, telling them I'd rather be recognized as a 'motorcycle rider', or 'motorcycle enthusiast'.. 48 years of riding, hung with some badasses back in the 70's, even those guys understood where I was coming from..
Not sure that Twin Peaks was given an option from the clubs to deny them. A nice polite you'll have us here or we'll burn the place to the ground was probably given to them at some point.

Makes me wonder if all the shootings were done by the police if they had just left well enough alone that they would have simply fist fought it all out themselves.

Not sure that Twin Peaks was given an option from the clubs to deny them. A nice polite you'll have us here or we'll burn the place to the ground was probably given to them at some point.

Makes me wonder if all the shootings were done by the police if they had just left well enough alone that they would have simply fist fought it all out themselves.


I agree & thought the same thing.
Twin Peaks was notified by the law enforcement a number of times...every time the request to cancel having the COC was ignored by the management. thus the reason that they lost their Franchise no more Twin Peaks in Waco

also I found this article that says what I suspected as well. The police were waiting outside and when the fight broke out inside the SWAT team burst out with gunfire and all 9 fatalities were at the hands of the police NOT one person was shot by a biker

Could this be an alphabet government agency inspired (provoked) incident? Don't let a good crisis go to waste.
Times like now anything can happen to provoke, promote or to start a race, culture or religious war, there is an enemy with power, an agenda, it wants to fundamentally transform America by destroying it first so in the smoking rubble it will be thanked for its new socialized agenda.
What I find interesting here is the total absence of rhetoric from the anti-gun crowd.....where's Blomo, Pelozi, BO? Where are the protesters carrying angels on sticks with black leather jackets chanting "disarm outlaw bikers"? :ummm:

Where are the cries for police re-training, body cams, marches, fires & lootings....ey? :confused2:

Their silence is deafening!
What I find interesting here is the total absence of rhetoric from the anti-gun crowd.....where's Blomo, Pelozi, BO? Where are the protesters carrying angels on sticks with black leather jackets chanting "disarm outlaw bikers"?

lol, couldn't agree with you more.
I bet the Confederation of Clubs meeting will be a lively one for that area of Texas this month. Lots of Lawyer Babble. I agree with what was mentioned LE probably caused the pissin match to escalate. Sure would like to see evidence of a Bandido Presence. At this point I think their being dragged into this to make it bigger than it is.
This kind of **** explains why I never refer to myself as a 'biker'.. I respectfully correct those that refer to me as one, telling them I'd rather be recognized as a 'motorcycle rider', or 'motorcycle enthusiast'.. 48 years of riding, hung with some badasses back in the 70's, even those guys understood where I was coming from..

+1. Bill. Better to be a lone wolf than part of the pack. In my 20's I was involved. The politics and all the bad stuff came with it. Then kids came along and an obligations to come home alive became more important. Much prefer to ride where I want. when I want. And not be looking in the mirrors all the time.
This kind of **** explains why I never refer to myself as a 'biker'.. I respectfully correct those that refer to me as one, telling them I'd rather be recognized as a 'motorcycle rider', or 'motorcycle enthusiast'.. 48 years of riding, hung with some badasses back in the 70's, even those guys understood where I was coming from..

+1. Bill. Better to be a lone wolf than part of the pack. In my 20's I was involved. The politics and all the bad stuff came with it. Then kids came along and an obligations to come home alive became more important. Much prefer to ride where I want. when I want. And not be looking in the mirrors all the time.

Exactly, couldn't be more correct. Better to be a lone wolf than a dead duck.
Its starting to look more and more like the Police had a much larger role in this than they are portraying. Remember this is Waco the home of the dame department that with no doubt murdered a number of women children and other innocents in the name of law against religion. The full truth hasnt been given to us. Anyone wonder what happened to the video surveillance footage from the restaurant? anyone wonder why the SWAT team was there in FULL armor before the fight started? anyone wonder why no cell phone footage has been released by any of the other "innocent" bystanders? I wonder. I wonder a LOT
yep good point ^^

It's a very good point....the story faded from the front page rather quickly. It took how many months to bury Michael Jackson? And something as big as this just sort of stops being news within a day or so? And now there are whispers from the white house of 'de-militarizing' the cops? :confused2:

I'm not much given to conspiracy theories and not overly paranoid (I don't think) but sometimes it's difficult to avoid thinking there might be 'other agendas' in the mix.
Taken from an AP report....."Preliminary autopsy results indicated that all of the dead were shot, some in the head, neck or chest."

That's some really fine shooting considering the situation.....just sayin' :confused2: