Proud Vmax lover
:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:
I was doing some thinking about the decline in my video's views and I think it's time to part ways. I've enjoyed the time making the videos and promoting Bikesponsors.com but I cannot compete with the networking the sportbike and MX riders enjoy. The Vmax is a niche bike and takes up a very small percentage of those who ride.
With only 209 views in 4 months, compared to those who have as much after a few days, It's a stale mate. I don't get anything out of it and you don't get anything from it. I've been asked by a few people if your organization
is legit and I've either spoke with them telephonically or pointed them to one of my forum threads. If I'm still asked, I have no problem telling of the great things that Bikesponsors.com hasw done for me and the quality of work from Decalkits.com
I wish you guys well and hope your company explodes with opportunities and gains.
-Kelly J. Shover
Well, don't stop making your videos. I personally really enjoy watching VMax vids!
Drive-ins , Diners & Max ? unk:
Alton Brown used to have a show I think it was a one episode thing where he was on an adventure bike if I remember it right. Then it was followed by a couple of guys on bikes called road-tasted. It was ending about the same time the DDD started, or a little bit after. I think they just rebadged it cut the cooking section and made Fieri's show. It kind of fits though, a few months back some critics said his food at one of his restaurants tastes like asphalt :rofl_200: We're bouncing ideas of a name. So far Max'mum flavor or there-a-bouts is the title in the works.
When this semester is over, I'm going to be in need of some riding and such.
Yep , I've been on the set for his show , out of Atlanta. We work on their security gates . Location was called Be Square Productions I think. He was riding a BMW to work at the time and I think he used it in that road show. Never met him but definately worked on the property.
Getting ready to start planning another video. I've noticed that the video views have declined. I'm thinking too much repetition, lack of interest, or a just plain ol' lousy video (e.g. on the starvmax site there are over 6000 views of the thread and nowhere near that in video views). Still putting the promotions out there, so if ppl are reading the threads and not watching the videos, I'm cool with that as they're still getting the meat of things.
Questions are; what do you think would improve the videos? What would you as the viewer like to see? Along with the products, would you like to see more of a review instead of "This is what they sent..."
I've looked at other videos that are out there. They seem to be about 20-30 seconds of sitting on a couch or by their harley, MX or crotch rocket droning about carb chain lube and they're getting a ton of views. I want to put out something that makes you want to watch the next one when it comes out.
Here is the latest vid, The rest of the ones that I've done are in this thread. I want to evolve the videos into two mins of something other than a "this is what they sent"/ show and tell type of video, I want to achieve more functionality, so even those that aren't in the bikesponsor.com program can get an idea of the product if they are considering a similar purchase.
I appreciate any input.