Bone Marrow Biopsy

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
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north NY
Anybody ever had one????

I have high blood platelet and white cell counts......

They want to do a biopsy.......:confused2:

NO FUCKIN' WAY!!!!!!!!!

Not unless you knock my ass out with a BIG hammer first......


That just ain't right:bang head:

Thanks for posting that though.....
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No more big hammers Kyle, they just set up an IV, shoot a little "good juice" in it, and it's off to the land of nod!

Good luck brother, let us know how it turns out.

No.....they do this shit while you are AWAKE!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll be refusing this test........

It looks like being shot by a .22.......SLOWLY!!!!!!
No.....they do this shit while you are AWAKE!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll be refusing this test........

Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have watched the vid first!

Don't matter tho....she was just a scrawny little chick, prolly couldn't even get your v max up off the side stand!! Just turn yer mind off to it Kyle and go get the biopsy'll eat yourself alive with worry if you don't!!
Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have watched the vid first!

Don't matter tho....she was just a scrawny little chick, prolly couldn't even get your v max up off the side stand!! Just turn yer mind off to it Kyle and go get the biopsy'll eat yourself alive with worry if you don't!!


Through the course of my life I have been in many situations that I would rather not discuss......

This has led me to fear no man or machine........

What I fear is NEEDLES.......

Superman has Kryptonite....... everybody has something.......I have needles.....

To be honest I am less afraid of dying than what these so called Doctors put people through........

After 20 years in fire/ems service.......and my first wife dying of cancer.....and watching what she went through..... I feel I am qualified make that decision.......

They can do other tests and make their best guess.......and we will go from there.......

Please note that tone does not come through in the typed word.....

This was meant to express my views and inject(no pun intended lol!!) a little humor into it with the Superman comparison

I HATE needles....
So what is the issue with a high platelet count???

It is possibly a sign of several blood disorders and could lead to an increased stroke risk at the least......

At worst it is a sign of leukemia.....
Tell the doc of your fears, maybe he'll do conscience sedation. death is permantent.
I would ask you Dr. about your options concerning the procedure. I would bet that they will allow you to be at a minimum of sedated for the procedure. Trust me knowing is much better than the consequences. Wishing you the best!!
I appreciate all your replies......

As I just said to Dannymax in a PM.......

This is not a life or death deal.......YET anyway.....

I have high blood counts and they want to investigate further.....

Somehow I am sure they have other tests they can run before they even think about pounding a spike into my hip........

It just freaked me out when it was the first thing mentioned as I set up the if it was a urine sample ya know.....:damn angry:
Why would they not do a blood test first??:ummm:

They have those results already......

I am sure they will do another one......

This is apparently the next step......

I don't even want to see the one after this:puke:
I had to have a series of those test for about 6 months following my motorcycle accident in 1991. Almost lost my right lower leg (nearly severed) and the bone was the only thing keeping it on. It took a hell of an impact so they kept checking it to make sure it wasn't dying.

Good luck on your testing.
They have those results already......

I am sure they will do another one......

This is apparently the next step......

I don't even want to see the one after this:puke:

they are talking about doing this after 1 set of labs? WTF time to find a new doc. Seriously, there are a few things that can increase your wbc's, you need to have a CBC repeated at least once WITH A DIFFERENTIAL!!!
Also ask for a CMP, complete metabolic panel instead of a bmp, basic metabolic panel.
they are talking about doing this after 1 set of labs? WTF time to find a new doc. Seriously, there are a few things that can increase your wbc's, you need to have a CBC repeated at least once WITH A DIFFERENTIAL!!!
Also ask for a CMP, complete metabolic panel instead of a bmp, basic metabolic panel.

2 sets of blood work.......I don't know what type.......3 months apart......

Levels elevated both times:confused2:

NO FUCKIN' WAY!!!!!!!!!

Not unless you knock my ass out with a BIG hammer first......


That just ain't right:bang head:

Thanks for posting that though.....

quoted for truth. good luck man