Guess the good old leaf blower wont deter that little monster....better make new batch of the smelly yellow stuff.....just in case....
Did the chrome spider look like this?
Saw this lil guy at a playground with my son. I think hes kinda cute for an 8 legged freak, lol.
Danny I think your spider is a Pittsburgh Steeler's fan..... He's got the right colors!
This "little" guy was crossing the road by my place a couple weeks ago... No thanks!View attachment 46043
Wow....that's creepy!
Here's what it is.... Araneus marmoreus...."not considered a 'medically important' spider", whatever the hell that means. :confused2:
But apparently is venomous.
It won't work.....little brown buggars are in the walls in places where that gas will never, ever reach. Then, days after removing those tarps, the neighborhood browns will be free to move back in to fill the empty spaces where the gas did actually kill two or three. Spay residue does not work on spideys either, like it will for most other crawling insects after the bug man has visited.
Not really...The insect ingests the poison....but the spider doesnt really "eat" the insect. It injects it with venom, then uses digestive juices to actually liquefy the insides...the spider then kinda sucks up the meat ball.