There really isn't a normal break on these. They break all kinds of ways including that clean break. You're looking at $10k for my 8.30 engine, chassis, and most everything needed to make it complete. It's a PCW longrod chaindrive 1500 and according to them this engine can be driven about anywhere. The 8.30's was with it's nitrous setup too.
That's really not a bad price then. So for $10,000 there is no nitrous setup with it, what all is needed to complete the bike.... damn it man now you have me thinking here......fix this bike make it a street bike and have a race 8 second second vmax LOL.
Yes, I would give you everything I had for it. Including the nitrous. I may even for a little more kick in the fuel injection system I have! We could talk about some work trade on some of it.