The best way to send a package to poland is POLAMER.
For crank i think about 140$ via air, cheaper sea but very long, about 6-8 weeks.
Not so much but something...
Must to consider evrything. I dont have money for the second time.
My friend from chicago tell me:
-lets buy an another used engine.
Yeah and have another engine failure couse you never know what is inside.
For me better do whole youself and be sure what you have inside.
First decision was - rebuild this one, not buying used one.
Of course Sean, you the one that i can trust with buying an engine but second
is fortune for shipping.
Welding idea is gone for good.
You absolutly right, offseting the rod is the nice idea and i've dont think about that earlier.
So as you've mentioned firstible need to check crank, serching cranks and bends and if it will be okay then start the rebulid.
I'll try to offset about 1mm, no need to go more.
If crank rebulid fail then i'll contact with you and buy a crank from you.
That was an very nice conversation and thanks for a part of you knowlage

I'll try to post the results as quick as i can.