Burning Oil

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'Fraid I can't see that what you show in the pic being your problem. You would see oil residue - the likelihood of any discharge being flung away from the bike is less than me becoming the next president!
If I was an American, and you were to run for President, You would have my vote in a heartbeat, Max.
Don't worry about not being born in the USA. After all, they have a Kenyan in power at present (as many claim, anyways).
It would probably serve you best to lose the Cockney accent, however.
You could run on a platform of bringing the U.S. back into the British Empire. If it hadn't been for that pesky George Washington character, the Yanks would be singing God Save The Queen before their sporting events.
Of course your first order of business, after being elected, could be to change "soccer" back to it's proper name, "football". The American game of football would have to be banned completely. No one watches it anymore, in any event, probably because most of the players are in prison.
Cheers, mate!:punk:
Yes definitely takes a bit to warm up. I don't see any leaks and no spots under the bike when I stop or put it in the garage. The oil is going somewhere ;)
This can drive a guy nuts. I had a leak under the oil pressure gauge port. There is a pressed in pin under there in the case where it leaked out only when running hard. It dripped on the exhaust and burnt it off. I used baby powder to find it. It's rare and Sean had seen it before on just a few bikes. The pin came out easy. I pipe tapped the hole and lock tighted a brass pipe plug in it's place.
Just topped it off. It looked clean when I first got it. I'm going to do a deep maintenance session soon.

Good news! I finally got it up on the stand after watching this vid:

Wasn't as easy as that bike but I got it up :D

Ok !.I owned that bike and it is 150lbs lighter than the Max.I like to be sitting on my Max when I take it off the centerstand .I have total control and I can center it as I roll it forward off the stand.As for getting it on I tried the video and I weight 220 and am 6feet tall and it is not easy.I still like putting a 2 inch block of wood under the side stand ,grabbing the rear rail with two hands and pushing down with my left foot and pulling up with two hands at the same time.I can also lift the back and slide it left or right this way.
'Fraid I can't see that what you show in the pic being your problem. You would see oil residue - the likelihood of any discharge being flung away from the bike is less than me becoming the next president!

I did wipe it off to have a closer look but I think you're right. There wasn't enough there to explain the amount I've lost. I'm at around 2,000 miles on it and lost a full quart of oil and approx another 1/2 quart of MMO. I got up underneath it last night and I do see some caked oil and dirt under the left side engine. I'm going to go to town with a can of Gunk and see what shows up.

A little dab of JB weld would seal that up .
Yes I was thinking the same thing. I'd rather replace the part but will start there. Kinda weird damage I wonder what smashed it so hard it caved the cover in and cracked it.

This can drive a guy nuts. I had a leak under the oil pressure gauge port. There is a pressed in pin under there in the case where it leaked out only when running hard. It dripped on the exhaust and burnt it off. I used baby powder to find it. It's rare and Sean had seen it before on just a few bikes. The pin came out easy. I pipe tapped the hole and lock tighted a brass pipe plug in it's place.

Tell me about it. I figure as long as I keep an eye on the levels and top it off should be ok until I can narrow it down. Not sure how to do the baby powder test, but I imagine you put it around the suspected area and see what happens.

I think part of the problem is the temp as well. I've ordered the lower temp fan switch from VMXO, will be putting that in as soon as it comes in. Been hitting a lot of traffic and Sunday drivers when I go around town during the day. Plenty of times I've been right up next to the red line, poor Mr. Max :(

Of course your first order of business, after being elected, could be to change "soccer" back to it's proper name, "football".

Funny thing is most Americans play soccer in gradeschool then lose interest in HS on up. I played both and I gotta say soccer is more fun to play to me, but FOOTBALL is much more fun to watch. There's been some NFL happenings across the pond, you limey's are catching on ;)
If you mix string line chalk (I use blue) with a little alcohol, into a thin paste, and paint it on with a brush it'll find it quickly.
You let it dry to a "stay where you put it" chalk, it turns dark when it gets wet.

Surface has to be super clean first of course.

This is how we in the field and the factory teat for jeans on large power transformers.

Nice part is that it does stay exactly where you put it, you could ride the heck out of it and it won't blow away b