CA gun control NUTCASE

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2006
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OMG Can't believe enough people got together and elected someone this absolutely STOOOPID. Is this indicative of the avg person living in CA now-a-days? :ummm: I thought it was a gag video, until I googled for more info on him.

(How the heck do you post up the actual video so that it appears on the page without having to click the link to go elsewhere?)
Embarrassing. The cause is so important that the the facts, education don't matter :damn angry:
Typical anti gun nut. This is what happens when people back a cause religiously without figuring out what the hell it is actually about.

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Where can I get one of those "ghost guns"? Seems like it would be a real step up for the AR-15 platform

......F'in moron
Where can I get one of those "ghost guns"? Seems like it would be a real step up for the AR-15 platform

......F'in moron

Hey! That's uncalled for.......don't you go belittling morons. :rofl_200:
Is this indicative of the avg person living in CA now-a-days? :ummm:

Pretty much but not completely.

I do a lot of work out in California.

Depends on what part of the state your in. Like NY state and many others the big cities tend to be over run with left leaning idiots.
Get away from the bigger cities and into the more rural or blue collar industrial & agricultural crowd they're just like the rest of us.

The big cities have the voting power so they tend to swing things their way when electing representation.

THAT!!! Is why anyone who thinks the electoral college should be done away with and the presidential elections should be on the popular vote is a ******* idiot. If that happens then might as well just let New York & California only vote for president cause it would be the same thing. Might as well not have individual states either if that happens.

I haven't been in a state yet that doesn't have their own brand of good ole boys.....they just sound funny.....
May not be the intelligence of the ave Californian but seems on par for our elected officials . I defy you to find a politician here in California smarter than my dog :)
It's all about exaggerating as much as possible to get his point across. I bet the guy with the badge standing behind him, didn't even know what that nutcase was about to say:rofl_200:
Where can I get one of those "ghost guns"? Seems like it would be a real step up for the AR-15 platform

......F'in moron

I'm interested a little problem with ghosts around here....think one of them ghost guns would thin 'em down right quick! :th_smilie:

Now for the ammo....given that rate of fire a ten-wheeler load should be enough for a couple ghost encounters I would think. :punk:
There is a full 20 minute video of the whole press conference.

It is even worse taken as a whole.

This guy was a leader in education and oddly enough "English as a second language" curriculum was a specialty.

Hard to believe that after seeing how horribly he speaks after watching the full video.

What a ******* idiot.
This guy was a leader in education and oddly enough "English as a second language" curriculum was a specialty.


I imagine that position he held was an appointed spot. Tons of people in government are in charge of things they know nothing about simply because another moron had the idea of putting them there. :ummm:

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