Not so cheap Poolie, and doing only the cams wouldn't benefit us as much, bang to the buck wise. The OEM cams are configured well for the street. And our engines safely rev to 9500 rpm as they come. If going through the trouble, new valve springs and retainers etc. and a valve job would be prudent to do at the same time. Also gaskets and maybe adjustable sprockets too. Well over a G note doing the labor yourself. Plus, as far as I know, only regrinds are available, no new aftermarket cams have been made. All IMO of course.
There is something called a "bellygrind" for cams. Old Timers did it years back when cams were difficult to locate. The heal of the lobe only would be ground. It would give you more lift. I'm sure it'd be cheaper than a regrind. But you'd have to have custom shims made up to make it work. Hardly worth it unless you had the tooling.There are a couple of members here that could do it.
The main issue with a larger cam on a stock motor is the benefits gained aren't really worth it. You need increased compression with deeper valve reliefs to really get a gain.