Well-Known Member
Zoom in a little bit on the exhaust on that 03. You see that black band? Thats the muffler clamp which bolts to the mounting tab on the frame. Also, you can see the brand name looks laser etched into the side of the muffler. From a distance, it may look to have the same shape as stock... ok, I did some looking, and I am now a bit confused. It Definitely looks like something is on the side... some sort of writing...
Could that just be scratches on the muffler that l see? And what I thought was a black band now I am guessing to be the reflection of the passenger peg.
Ok, attaching an image. Blew up the pic to 200%, and I am seeing things that are triggering warnings.
I circled the questioned spot on the muffler in red. I also noticed three areas that almost look to me like possible damage, and they are circled in yellow. Makes me question whether or not the bike was downed?
What do you guys think?
Nice catches.
Man if those really are big flaws and that looks like damn duct tape holding it on, the Vmax must have appreciated much more than we thought