Carb sync ? # 2,157.....please help!!!!

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**UPDATE: My gauges read in vacuum inches. The guages are reading in a red area that says the following: (late valve timing or leak at intake manifold or heat riser).
My VMAX has 20,000 miles on it and has never had a valve adjustment and the rubber boots around the carbs and manifold are dry and cracked. Could/would these two things be the possible culprit?

Thanks again everyone,
those gauges are ment to be used on a car or truck motor which pull alot more vac. so the part that says that you have a valve problem ect. dose not apply to the max because they pull way less vac.
Yup i meant water lol. You def can hear the difference lol

As usual from this forum....I got the answers I was looking for. As I've posted before, I've poked around in many other MC forums and the VMAX forum is by far the most user friendly. VMAX riders are a rare breed and you all have a part in making this by far the best MC forum out there. Thanks for making all of us with ******* questions.....well, not feel like jackasses.

Many thanks....ride 'em like you stole 'em!!!
You all rock:punk:,
I haven't been here all that long but I do know that the degree of knowledge possessed by the average member is only surpassed by the their willingness to help each other. You don't get the regular flippant answers only to be ignored. Any search of the board will likely show the same question being asked multiple times; answered, for the most part, patiently each time it comes up.

Real class act, this group. Worth being a part of, I tell you what.