Carb sync problem????

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Hey got the washers in the mail!! thanks KJ:eusa_dance:, the local bike shop was closed today so ill have to wait till tomarrow to get the jets and gaskets:bang head: Hopefully ill have the carbs cleaned and put together tomarrow, then install and tune wednesday with the new exhaust!!!:clapping:

I'm sorry if you posted/ checked this already but if your getting sediment in the bowls after cleaning them I'd check upstream. The filter and if there is any problems in the tank (rust/ flaking) that may be send the crude to the carbs.
I'm sorry if you posted/ checked this already but if your getting sediment in the bowls after cleaning them I'd check upstream. The filter and if there is any problems in the tank (rust/ flaking) that may be send the crude to the carbs.

Hey thanks, ill check my fuel filter since i just changed it ill check to see if it has any crap in it. I think my sediment issue is from my not so thorough cleaning in the beginning:bang head: When i drained my fuel tank i didnt really notice and junk come out, seemed pretty clean. But ive been adding seafoam so maybe thats breaking up any junk in the tank and carbs:ummm:

AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!! :damn angry:same problems!!! so i got the carbs thoroughly cleaned! 150 mains(mikuni) all other jets were stock i checked and double checked t make sure, set the floats all at the little round mark on the jet block(just like in the carb write ups) A/F screws are at 2 3/4 turns out, maybe ill need to do 3.... kerker exhaust and stock airbox.

My problems
-good between idle and 3k on hard pull kinda stumble into3.5k-4.5k:bang head:
-pops and stumbles cruising at 3k and 5k:bang head:
-at 4k cruising and then WOT it stumbles all the way to just past 6k but then vboost opens and it pulls hard:bang head:

If i WOT and its stumbles and i let off the throttle just a tiny it seems to kinda hit a smooth spot and then stop stumbleing until i go WOT again:bang head:

Try adding a washer to the clip setting to get rid of the midrange pop/stumble.
Try adding a washer to the clip setting to get rid of the midrange pop/stumble.

im going to assume your talking about the shimming the needle? Cause i did with a .04 shim that KJShover sent me, altho im gunna pull them and see how that changes things. Also on my needles they dont have any clip settings( im assuming they are stock, but i dont know for sure, they have 299 stamped on them?? mean anything?)
