For you carb guys out there, I've been through the following on a 97 that has been sitting since 19.
About a month ago:
-Shotgun clean
-New Idle screws => #1- 2.5, #2- 2.75, #3- 1.75, #4- 2.75
-Fuel filter
-New gas
-New plugs
-Replaced Cobra slip-ons with factory exhaust
-Don't know which carb jets are there
-Synch 4 X gauges to carb #2
-Synch carbs (can't recall the inHg)
-No driving due to snow
-Warmup (it's 27F/-3C)=> occasional cough/rpm drop during warmup
-set idle to 1000rpm as it was stalling with no choke.
-Check carb synch => not synch'd but close, and low at < 5 (should aim for 8-9inHg?)
-Idle screws => no perceptible impact from the initial setting to the stop turning right. Set them back to the initial
-Blip on the throttle has rpm lagging high for 1-2 seconds before dropping again.
-Carbs all synch'd to 4-5 inHg as per picture below.

After 30ish minutes of frigging, I put stuff away and then thought about cylinder temperature. I took the temp 5 mins after shutdown in the plug valley and 1 & 2 were approx 71C/160F, while 3 & 4 were approx 78C/172F.
There might have been a tad more visible exhaust from the right side on the initial cold start, but it may have just been the lighting. No black smoke. No antifreeze smell.
I assume with no change from the idle screws and low vac reading, I have a consistently bad vac leak from something on all cylinders.
Is that a fair assumption?
How about the difference in temp from the left side to the right side?
Thanks for the help.
About a month ago:
-Shotgun clean
-New Idle screws => #1- 2.5, #2- 2.75, #3- 1.75, #4- 2.75
-Fuel filter
-New gas
-New plugs
-Replaced Cobra slip-ons with factory exhaust
-Don't know which carb jets are there
-Synch 4 X gauges to carb #2
-Synch carbs (can't recall the inHg)
-No driving due to snow
-Warmup (it's 27F/-3C)=> occasional cough/rpm drop during warmup
-set idle to 1000rpm as it was stalling with no choke.
-Check carb synch => not synch'd but close, and low at < 5 (should aim for 8-9inHg?)
-Idle screws => no perceptible impact from the initial setting to the stop turning right. Set them back to the initial
-Blip on the throttle has rpm lagging high for 1-2 seconds before dropping again.
-Carbs all synch'd to 4-5 inHg as per picture below.

After 30ish minutes of frigging, I put stuff away and then thought about cylinder temperature. I took the temp 5 mins after shutdown in the plug valley and 1 & 2 were approx 71C/160F, while 3 & 4 were approx 78C/172F.
There might have been a tad more visible exhaust from the right side on the initial cold start, but it may have just been the lighting. No black smoke. No antifreeze smell.
I assume with no change from the idle screws and low vac reading, I have a consistently bad vac leak from something on all cylinders.
Is that a fair assumption?
How about the difference in temp from the left side to the right side?
Thanks for the help.
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