Ccurrent State of My Rebuild Project.

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2013
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Denton TX
So...anyway...I'm CERTAIN everyone on the forums is vitally interested in progress on my 1986, Which I received from my boss as a gift. His purpose in giving the gift was so I could, in his words, "get this VMax crap out of your system so we can get on with getting you a nice Honda GoldWing." His efforts backfired unfortunately.

Here are some pictures and commentary about whats going on at the moment.

Yes this does belong in the burn out pit.

When I joined these forums over a year ago, someone told me that about 4 grand would put me right on the road to big fun.

I'll find that ******* some day.

It has 8 in it so far and about 4 more should finish it and get me some winter riding gear to hit the Texas Freeways at 0 degrees.

Some of the features are as follows:


No expense has been spared to build a construction building. In this picture you see the new "drag bars" with a 1" riser from Sean Morely. You don't see the silicone radiator hoses which will be installed later unless the radiator needs to be replaced with something bigger. The front wheel seems to be missing at this time.


This is the excellent and very comfortable seat built by Sean Morely, A God among men. I have a couple of vodka's and sit on it a lot. It's very comfortable. One of the progressive 444 shocks with 11.5 length is shown here too. I have no idea if I'll like them or not but Sean did my forks and lowered them 1" and said I needed these and I trust him.


I'm really proud of this adaptation. As you can see, I have installed dual Dodge Viper V10 engines with 20 Mikuni carbs. Each row of carbs are fed by one super charger off a new ford mustang Cobra (4 superchargers total) and each of those superchargers has had it's load lightened by dual turbochargers. That's 4 superchargers and 8 turbos. Horsepower is estimated at 14650 hp.


I don't know what the **** this picture shows but something seems to be missing. I calculate it's gonna take 1500 bucks to get those 4 holes covered up. one of the vipers lists a bit to the right.


As you can see, I've installed 4 chevy 12 bolt rear axles and a Goodyear Racing Slick that is about 30" wide but is rounded on the sides in case I decide to turn a corner. **** the police.


Here you see the giant 36" brake rotor and the 6 separate calipers that grab it for dragging it down from about 950 MPH. With all that supercharging and turbocharging, stock exhausts are really the best way to go. all the heat in the exhaust gasses are used up by the time they get to the exhaust phase of combustion and there's really not much to exhaust. **** the Police.


Note the ejection seat. This will get me about 500 feet off the ground instantly and pop a chute. I'm told by my doctor that at my age, it will crush every disk in my back. not shown is the 20 mm electric cannon I got from a friend who stole it off an F15. With all that horsepower, I can carry 10,000 rounds which will allow me to clear any traffic jam on 35 W in the Dallas/Ft Worth Area PDQ. I also carry a 1911 pistol to ward of small time smart *****.

If anyone has a black hawk helicopter collective and some rotors, I'd appreciate a shot at purchasing them.

Another 4 grand and I'll be on the road. Donations accepted.
I'm guessing like your post's the bike run's on Alcohol?? J/K F-ing funny great post can't wait to see those Black Hawk rotors installed I'm sure they'll be stealth :rofl_200:
LOL....I was the A--hole....but you cant blame me....I didnt mention a seat, shocks, drag that was a BARE-BONES assessment.

But like I did say my friend...the Vmax is a cruel mistress...and she wants all of your time, love, and MONEY!!!
I suggest the GAU 8/A 30 mm cannon out of an A-10 "Warthog" instead of that wimpy 20 mm peashooter used in the Navy's A-7. When using the depleted-uranium rounds specifically-designed for the GAU 8/A you won't have to worry about even an APC coming at you and your 1100 rounds should be sufficient, due to their pyrophoric effect which will ignite whatever they hit.


Sometimes the best thing to do w/a donated bike is to sell it for whatever it will bring, and we all recognize a non-runner is usually worth more in parts, being 'dead.' As you seem to bear-out, the resuscitation can be an expensive, frustrating process. Next time, take whatever $ you can get parting-out your dead donor bike, and put it towards something in better shape and operable. You'll have fewer tears of frustration on your garage floor, and your bank account will stay larger.

Your bike doesn't look that bad, but you should know.
OK, now I am in the market for a 30mm cannot that could possibly be stolen off a warthog and about 100,000 rounds of ammo. So many stupid people, so little time. And yes, I drink a lot. After all, I own a Vmax.
LOL....I was the A--hole....but you cant blame me....I didnt mention a seat, shocks, drag that was a BARE-BONES assessment.

But like I did say my friend...the Vmax is a cruel mistress...and she wants all of your time, love, and MONEY!!!
I wouldn't beat yourself up too much on the mis-quote for the re-build. How were you supposed to know he was going to re-cast the engine block out of pure unobtainium ! Man this guy is genius. He keeps doing mods like this and Sean Morley better watch out !!!!!!! :punk:
Actually Sean returned prematurely from an African safari to assist in the surgical installation of the twin V-10's We are taking his company public soon and our IPO should sell for about 10 grand per share. He will be a billionaire overnight. So will I.

We will be offering this conversion as a Sean Morely Exclusive soon and it will be called the "RFM" (really fast motorcycle). Your bike will serve as a core. All we need is a clean undamaged frame with a clear title. Everything else is trashed. Cost will be about 3.7 billion with the electric gattling gun.

soon as I get my money I'm gonna get a Suzuki 109.
I'm gonna be pissed if I'm not. My next purchase from him is gonna be a braced swing arm. I'm on the list and hoping for delivery in about three months.

The stock swing arm simply will not hold those 4 twelve bolt Chevy rear axles together under full load.

He is also building me a custom braced mount for my collective and rotor blades.

Here is optimism (attachment)


  • 1950 Triumph helicopter.doc
    139 KB

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