Chains in the carbs????

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I called the White House & inquired about this. Obama told me these are,
"Chains we can believe in !"

Don't forget after removing the carb chains, that you will have better flow rate, so don't forget to remove and lubricate the chrome muffler bearing for even more horsepower!!
Can I connect exhaust into airbox to get a 25psi of boost?

Also im planning an napalm injection and the high pressure napalm pump drived from my carb chain...however due the molecular changings in carb chains coused by napalm combustion, force me to machine them from adamantim...
For now im eating for breakfast a Thrust SSC but only when i throw an granade into my gas tank...
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PO told me he liked to connect the carb chains to his lip piercing. That way, when he gave it the gas, the carb chains would pull on his lip, which helped him really feel the vBoost....
Can I connect exhaust into airbox to get a 25psi of boost?

Also im planning an napalm injection and the high pressure napalm pump drived from my carb chain...however due the molecular changings in carb chains coused by napalm combustion, force me to machine them from adamantim...
For now im eating for breakfast a Thrust SSC but only when i throw an granade into my gas tank...

A portable mini nuclear reactor will also work well , that will explain why i cant find my chains they must of melted away . :punk:
A portable mini nuclear reactor will also work well , that will explain why i cant find my chains they must of melted away . :punk:
There will be a good idea to instal an launch button on the bar with HIROSHIMA name it and the sound when press it: WHY SO SERIOUS :rofl_200:

Anyway IN CARB-CHAINS WE SHOULD TRUST lol :rofl_200:
My flow rate has doubled since i removed my stock carb chain sprockets and installed the Spacley Sprockets with the Cogs cog high flow speed adapter!
I went with the #12 solid copper was a little difficult to thread thru the annular breather port but my horsepower jumped up 87% and the mileage is so good I have to stop every 120 miles and take 2 gallons OUT of the tank!! :rofl_200:
I have the cadium core pre energized oval linked carb chains, but only because I couldn't afford the copper chains. Nice Danny, went all the way with the "12's'!:worthy:
I still do not get the mileage that it was claimed by NASA for the CCPEOL carb chains. Maybe when I get to Brownie Run central you can look at my frame sliders and I can get them to work. I can only dream of getting the claimed 57.459% HP jump and 111.2 mpg and over 200.73 mph!:drool:
My flow rate has doubled since i removed my stock carb chain sprockets and installed the Spacley Sprockets with the Cogs cog high flow speed adapter!
That a great upgrade, the infamous "Jetson" mod. I'm glad you didn't go with the Cogwells sprockets as their quality has taken a hit since the economy took a dive. Orbit city is not the place that Hanna-Barberra thought it might become but still is a amazing place.:rofl_200:
I have the cadium core pre energized oval linked carb chains, but only because I couldn't afford the copper chains. Nice Danny, went all the way with the "12's'!:worthy:
I still do not get the mileage that it was claimed by NASA for the CCPEOL carb chains. Maybe when I get to Brownie Run central you can look at my frame sliders and I can get them to work. I can only dream of getting the claimed 57.459% HP jump and 111.2 mpg and over 200.73 mph!:drool:

Great choice going with the C'Pul (as we call it in the trade) chains Brian, I really like them!! :clapping: Maybe not quite as 'bling'd out' as the 12's but IMO will out perform them any day of the week!

I actually have worked on a couple C'Pul units and I'm pretty confident we can get the claimed HP jump you're looking for, 57.458% at the very least!!

The problem is coming up with a section of the Taconic where we can get some meaningful mileage testing done, but again we're in luck. Our buddy COP RUNNER will be present at BR'10 and just loves to play with the 'air support' choppers that patrol that blacktop and will have no problem clearing us a 5 mile stretch to 'test' on!! :punk:
It's all fun and games until he gets the carb chains caught on the airbox cover spikes!!!!!!!!1:biglaugh:
great choice going with the c'pul (as we call it in the trade) chains brian, i really like them!! :clapping: Maybe not quite as 'bling'd out' as the 12's but imo will out perform them any day of the week!

I actually have worked on a couple c'pul units and i'm pretty confident we can get the claimed hp jump you're looking for, 57.458% at the very least!!

The problem is coming up with a section of the taconic where we can get some meaningful mileage testing done, but again we're in luck. Our buddy cop runner will be present at br'10 and just loves to play with the 'air support' choppers that patrol that blacktop and will have no problem clearing us a 5 mile stretch to 'test' on!! :punk:
... I Have Absolutely No Problem Doing This , But Someone Remind Me , And Don't Let Me Forget To Take My License Plate Off And Leave It In Danny's Garage ! ... :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
... I Have Absolutely No Problem Doing This , But Someone Remind Me , And Don't Let Me Forget To Take My License Plate Off And Leave It In Danny's Garage ! ... :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

No problem Timmy, I'll hide your plate behind the Welcome to Connetticut, Massachusetts, New York & Vermont state signs!! :rofl_200:
No problem Timmy, I'll hide your plate behind the Welcome to Connetticut, Massachusetts, New York & Vermont state signs!! :rofl_200:
" LOL " SEE I KNEW I WAS RIGHT ! .. "LOL""LOL"LOL"LOL" :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:... 4 STATE RIDE MY ASS ! .. :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
I have been following this thread with interest...... I am pretty sure that my motor/carbs are stock.

This winter I have been planning some mods and pulling out the carb chains is something that looks like an easy 50cc or so of engine displacement.

If I go ahead and do that, do I have to rejet my carbs?
Will removing the chains also cause any loss of rigitiy of the frame? Possibly requiring the need to add solid motor mounts and frame braces?

There is guy that I know, who knows this other guy that heard that the cousin of his sister's boyfriend had his Gen1 bored out to 527 cid. He was pulling mid 500 HP numbers on the dyno. He said that it cost him less than $1000 to have it done and he was able to use the stock carbs. Do you guys think that this would be a worthwhile mod in lieu of the carb chains? How much do you think this would hurt my MPG?