I knew I should have held on and not bought my gen2, dammit, I could have saved a shitload of cash with this guys bike. I wonder where he hid the jato rocket that is making his extra horsepower?
Update, no reply received to my email.....:rofl_200:
I think you should gave played along with him a little bit before dropping the bomb. It would have been more fun to see how much more bs he'd through out there. I'll send him a reply this morning as if I've drank the kool aid
I was tired when I wrote the email LOL. This is not something I am very good at as I tend to be about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the head.
DAMN Jim! you were suppose to real him in like a fish, nice and slow :rofl_200:
They say "hire the handicap cause their funny" I was hoping for a little humor from this dork!
Ok , I just sent the following email to him. Lets see what comes back..I'm cracking myself up over here
Hi do you still have the bike for sale? If so I would be really interested in knowing more about the bike. How is the overall condition of the bike, are there any issues with paint or having been dropped. That bike must fly. That has got to be one of the fastest bikes around with that much HP. I imagine that front end spends most of the time in the air vs. on the ground I don't know much about VMax's so I did some searching on the Internet last night and apparently Yamaha had engineered two secret adjustments within the bike that most owners are not aware of. Apparently there is an adjustment for the Ram air scoops on the bike that needs to be adjusted to the on position which from what I read, based on what pipes and other mods have been made to the bike, add any where from 10-20 more HP. The other adjustment involves adjusting the computer setting on the bike. You basically have to set the computer to the "Max" mode by cycling the ignition key on and off 3 times. The article I read was a little unclear how to do this so I called my local dealer and spoke with a mechanic that knows the VMax inside and out. He was reluctant to share the procedure with me because it makes the Vmax crazy to ride but after speaking to him for 10 minutes he knew I could ride. You have to cycle the key on and off 2 times really quickly followed by a third time at normal speed. That sends the signal to the computer to turn the computer settings to the "Max" mode. This apparently adds another 18 HP. Do you happen to know if these settings have been made to the bike because if not, this would easily put this bike over the 200 hp. I currently ride a Sportster 883 with the sreaming eagle kit and I'm running at about 115hp but cant keep up to my buddy's Zx12 Ninja, not to mention I keep snapping the drive chain with all this power. Yamaha must have had this problem with the Vmax and that's probably why its shaft drive...If I can get this bike over 200hp I would smoke my buddy's Zx12. Also have you ever adjusted the boost seeting on the bike. That also increases the HP, but from what I've read, alot of people turn it down really low, and many turn it completely off. This is the only adjustment that most owners are aware of. I'm at work today but will check my emails at work throughout the day. Thanks and hope to hear back from you..
Nope, not my bike, I'd never sell a 190 hp Vmax
It's true, cycling the key three times puts the bike in "sonofabitch" mode. Also you can turn the key backwards for a sec or two to warm up the glow plugs.