Chicago shooting

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son of a gun ! I'm glad to live in Canada after seeing this. The cops down there just shoot anyone to death they feel like it ??? That's murder in my books.
The bad thing is....we dont know what happened at the we dont know what he did (if anything) to the police....we only see him as he is walking away. I do wonder why they didnt try to taze him......and subdue him with non lethal means?


Unfortunately by ******* with the police, especially metropolitan area police, he placed himself in a position to be murdered. Imagine how many murders law enforcement gets away with for each one brought to light. This young victim is not only a victim of the police but of his own stupidity.

Many of us were raised to respect the law, so the transition to realizing they are not your friends is a bigger leap than for kids growing up now who know instinctively not trust cops.
If being stupid justifies shooting someone then I'm glad we don't have guns in the UK.
There would be a lot less politicians...civil servants, academics, motorists...the list goes on and on and on and......:confused2:

We have a case near me in Rochester NY. Guys name Is Charlie Tan. Shot his father, very sketchy details, but he basically admitted to doing it.. It was even possible that the wife shot him, and the son took the rap. One of the 2 shot him in the face. Seems like an open and shut case.They had the trial, and the guy got off because of a hung jury. Here's why he got off. The Father was an abuser. The police went to there home over 20 times for domestic abuse. She never had any marks, So the guy must have been Verbally and emotionally abusive. The guy was a multi-millionaire. Everybody who knew him said he was a complete dick, and deserved what he got. So the arguement was just because the guy was a dick, doesn't give the kid a right to murder him. Just like this kid in Chicago. Just because he was high or had a knife doesn't give the cop a right to murder him. The similarity in these cases was, both individuals that were murdered had actions that put them in a position for this to happen. One was stupid and one was mean and nasty. That's no justification for the murders, but created the enviornment.
The officer in this case, originally claimed that the suspect lunged at him with a knife, which is an oblivious lie. Why would anyone believe what this officer claim as the truth, about activities prior to the shooting?
I heard the kid was high on PCP. In checking into that I found this...

The autopsy showed that McDonald was hit 16 times, including in the chest, neck, back, arms and leg. It also showed that McDonald had PCP in his system at the time of the shooting, but a city alderman said that shouldn’t have an impact on the case. According to the Sun-Times, Carrie Austin said:
How would they [police] have known that? They would not have known that. You’re gonna look at them and know what kind of substance they have in them? I could have taken a Bayer aspirin. How would you know it? Even though it’s an illegal substance. So what? That particular [drug] could have gotten him to a level of cohesiveness or coherentness. Some people are extremely aggressive. Some could be less aggressive or keep them at a medium.

this was where search results came from.
only time will tell how credible this report is.

If being stupid justifies shooting someone then I'm glad we don't have guns in the UK.
There would be a lot less politicians...civil servants, academics, motorists...the list goes on and on and on and......:confused2:

This was absolutely unjustified IMHO, The victim was being stupid but in no way does that justify being murdered. My point was that in the real world stupid people often put themselves in positions to be victimized. It's like a girl that dresses like a ****, slathers on makup and goes to a bar, flirting with every guy in the room then passing out in the alley blind drunk. Her assault is still wrong and should be prosecuted, but it was less of a surprise than a girl that was at home studying or seeing a movie with her friends. Most of us know that how we handle ourselves directly effects our chances of being a victim. It's not right but it's the way things seem to work stateside. I really see your point about the list!

Here in the US we know that cops really cant be trusted. There are good cops but we never know what we're going to get when we interact with them and we know that whether its right or wrong, how we handle ourselves directly effects our chance for surviving an encounter with police. We need police but we need to be MUCH more selective about who we choose to endow with that kind of power.

Here is something worthy of another post: Are we teaching our young how to deal with the cops and legal situations? In this age where cops are just as likely to be foe as friend we need to consider this.
Are we teaching our young how to deal with the cops and legal situations? In this age where cops are just as likely to be foe as friend we need to consider this.

Mayor Debalsio was called all sorts of names and shunned by many of his own police, for teaching his Afro-american son, how to deal with police, and what not to do to..

Even in this article, it was called "moronic" to make these comments.

I'm sorry. Even if I held a mayoral position, my family comes 1st. If I knew that many in the police department was biased against minorities and they have gone as far as instructing the officer to target such people, and my own flesh and blood was looked as one, I would warn him also, and say F.U. to the people that didn't like it. His son may have a security detail, but if someone seen this kid on the streets, He look like any other Afro-American kid of his age.

IMO, the mayor did what any sensible FATHER, would have done.

What's needed, is more Real Father's in the black community and less "baby daddies".