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The Dodges did well in the '60's before NASCAR became 'fashionable.' (among a wider audience, as it is today, and yes, it's always been fashionable south of the M-D Line.) Didn't David Pearson drive a Dodge? I seem to recall Car & Driver road-testing a ChryslerCorp. rally car back then, and the car was an ex-David Pearson car, w/his name still visible in faded paint on the door when they picked it up. They took it on a road trip and people who knew what it was got really-excited about it (426 Hemi) and the unsuspecting wanna-be street racers got a rude awakening. If I recall correctly, it was a Coronet.

OK, I had to check, yes it was. Read this for some fascinating racing history.
Years ago, when I was young and foolish, I once bought a brand new Mopar product. ONCE!!! It would take me pages to describe every thing that went wrong with that P.O.S., but I can tell you in only one sentence what was right with it...... the ac always blew cold air when I needed cold air. Period. Didn't always blow the cold air out the correct vents, but it always blew cold air. After that, the story gets really long and arduous. When all was said and done, I traded it down for a year older, and higher mileage Honda Accord, and promised good ole Lee Iacocca, in a three page letter to Mopar Central, I would not pass up an opportunity to pass on my views on their Mopar chit even if I lived to be 100.

Eric, you have my most humble sympathies that you have such a worthless pile of vehicular garbage that you feel you must pour money into. I won't think any less of you for it, I swear, but please, spare me the pictures, I already had a bad enough week at work.
The Dodges did well in the '60's before NASCAR became 'fashionable.' (among a wider audience, as it is today, and yes, it's always been fashionable south of the M-D Line.) Didn't David Pearson drive a Dodge? I seem to recall Car & Driver road-testing a ChryslerCorp. rally car back then, and the car was an ex-David Pearson car, w/his name still visible in faded paint on the door when they picked it up. They took it on a road trip and people who knew what it was got really-excited about it (426 Hemi) and the unsuspecting wanna-be street racers got a rude awakening. If I recall correctly, it was a Coronet.

OK, I had to check, yes it was. Read this for some fascinating racing history.

Thanks for the history. The coronet was overlooked as being the sister of the charger
I know you have changed the Pump several times but did they all come from the same Parts place like Napa I know its hard to believe they are all bad but I put in 3 fuel pumps one time cause they all had low fuel pressure and wouldnt start the Tahoe well actually 4 if you count the one I got from another one from Carquest had to do the same with a P/S pump on a toyota one time 2 from napa and they both was leaking got another one from different parts place and BAM its fixed.. another one I learned was a 2008 ford escape V6.. Did 3 Alternators and they are a bitch to put in remove the right wheel the right axle and all kinds of engine brackets 2-3 hour job 3 alternators later from they would leave then come back within a week Battery light on not charging did some research found out Only a ford alternator would fix it Another guy in the shop was on his second one when I caught it and said get it from the dealer:bang head:

I get my ass kicked all the time with this **** from China that the auto parts places are using now and makes us as mechanics look bad and Ive only been doing it 22 years so if its a big job now or hard to get to job I get it from the dealer..

Did you try it from the high pressure side of the line see if its loosing its prime :confused2: sure doesnt look like its pumping much
Is the high pressure line moving when you try to turn it?Have you checked the pump with a guage?Supposed to be 1400 psi,I had a pump break the shaft inside the pump.It dosent seem to be moving much fliud at all.What i mean by moving is does the high pressure side build pressure.Releif valve in the pump behind the high pressure line stuck,The older ones had a pressure switch on the rack near where the lines screw in.Damn im sorry hope this gives you a few idea,s.Had a 97 gmc truck that felt like the steering shaft broke during driveing had a plastic coupler under the dash on the shaft that was bad,replaced it lasted about a year,2nd time unpluged a wire from the back of the power steering pump fixed forever,Hope i gave you a few idea,s.So very sorry.Been there too.
well I found the problem, a plastic hose plug... the type they use to plug the holes where the fittings go lodged in the supply line.... I want to thank everyone that tried helping me
Is the high pressure line moving when you try to turn it?Have you checked the pump with a guage?Supposed to be 1400 psi,I had a pump break the shaft inside the pump.It dosent seem to be moving much fliud at all.What i mean by moving is does the high pressure side build pressure.Releif valve in the pump behind the high pressure line stuck,The older ones had a pressure switch on the rack near where the lines screw in.Damn im sorry hope this gives you a few idea,s.Had a 97 gmc truck that felt like the steering shaft broke during driveing had a plastic coupler under the dash on the shaft that was bad,replaced it lasted about a year,2nd time unpluged a wire from the back of the power steering pump fixed forever,Hope i gave you a few idea,s.So very sorry.Been there too.

thankyou for your ideas!!
Wow, glad you got it sorted....but how the hell did that end up in the supply line? Tech forget to take it off when installing?
I was visiting my brother in Boston. He & the wife lived in a big Victorian 3-story in Dorchester back in the '90's. I used the toilet and there was a bucket next to the bowl. I asked, "why's that there?"

He said, "the bowl won't evacuate most of the time."

Since I was there for awhile visiting, I offered to take a look at it. After flushing it repeatedly, I decided the full contents weren't being delivered to the bowl quickly. I decided to remove it from the floor. When I turned it upside-down once-off, a large fender washer fell-out of the tank to bowl passage. It was something that slipped in there when he had changed the tank to base gasket when it had leaked, and it 'necked-down' the passage. Boy, were they happy when they got a normally-functioning toilet back. My brother was a bit embarrassed, he was pretty-handy, but that was one that got by him.

Stuff like what you had happen is good to find, even if it does take you awhile.

I had a Dodge van in the '70's and the power brakes can, the booster, went-out on the day before New Year's. One of my co-workers and I changed it out, but the booster turned-out to be defective. We had already returned the old one for a core, and the store was closed. I had a very-touchy vehicle to ride in until after New Year's! The brakes would lock up w/o much warning. It was what I had to get back & forth to work, so I had to use it, though I could have called someone to pick me up if I had-to.

I bought an aftermarket Taiwan-made fog light housing for my '09 GMC to replace one that turned-up missing, still don't know if it had screws which backed-out & it fell-off, or if someone stole it. Anyway, the reflector interior chrome plating/flashing lasted about a year before it disappeared. I found a used OEM one, and installed that.
the timing belt slipped & he took it to another shop to have "fixed". well they only put the belt back on & didn't replace it.... don't ask me why..... he said he didn't have power steering when he left... my fault for not catching that one... but they have to move some stuff to get the belt back on & the supply line is one of those things... I suppose since they didn't want lose the fluid they capped it & left the cap in there when they put it back together... bad thing is my tech had that hose in his hands & didn't see it.... I didn't put technician on my application but in the years I have done this I have became a tech..... everything starts & stops @ this counter that I stand behind. I am a salesman... so really it all boils down to me... the whole 2 weeks falls on me because I did not "supervise" the diag process....
Just so very glad you got through it,Some of the damnest things happen no matter how good you are,**** like that drives me crazy,Short trip for me.Mabye things will get back to normal now.Youll remember this one for a while.Glad it was a safe head,Slipped timing belts on most usally end up with bent valves.
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