It's funny/strange to me how we, or society seems to always choose a level of decision making or personal choice that we are willing to help with in the case of injury or personal loss. There are many, many car drivers who think that if you chose to ride motorcycle at all, with or without helmet, that it was your choice and they shouldn't care or help if you get hurt. Then there are people who think anyone doing any outdoor sport or activity should be on there own, ie: mountain climbing, why should the public pay to fly a hiker off a cliff to save his life? he chose to go up there he should just crawl out or die. Sailors, private pilots, 4 wheel drivers, campers ( you know Grizzly's and such getting lost)People who choose to live in a tornado zone etc... etc... I'm guilty myself to a level, I think bicycles shouldn't be allowed to "PLAY" the roads. And yes, I think that all of these riders that are riding in all there Tour De France wanna be gear on the weekends are playing. I pay my taxes, registrations and have a licence plate that can be used to identify me, all in order to be able to use the roads and have them maintained, bikes don't. There, I had my rant and I'm sure that will start a whole new debate.
My point is, We are all motorcycle riders and most of us love it for all the same reasons but yet we still choose to decide that what we think is best, is best, and if you don't agree then screw you if you happen to get hurt. What if you're riding with a helmet but not a good jacket, or no gloves, poor maintenance etc...? Do the rest of us still wish you ill will? Not me. Where do you draw the line on someone else's decision making as to when you don't care about what happens to them or there families?