Kyle, you beat me to it. I was thinking it probably has 23 year old anti freeze in it which has turned to powder, he started it up & the impeller shaft, w/no lubrication from the water jacket, seized the impeller shaft & snapped it, putting it thru the case of the water pump. Or, the impeller came adrift & did the same thing. And it's still worth only $500! That guy just wants some $ out of it and doesn't want to see it again. I'd kick in $100 to buy it & get some stuff off it. I'll take the bodywork: f & r fenders, gas tank cover, & side panels. I bet that the engine is ok if someone takes the time to put fresh oil into it, and has water in the cooling system instead of that white powder from dried-out anti-freeze. The primary & secondary ignition system should make someone happy!