Thanks, Fire-Medic. No, it's not a defibrillator, they use words like "adaptive" and "intuitive" though. I had my aortic valve replaced 5 yrs ago, due to calcification, which also affected some of the pericardium, causing an electrical block to the ventricle. It was picking up exactly every other beat of the atrium, so my pulse rate, though perfectly regular, was under 40. Replaced the valve with bovine tissue (wife says I'm now more full of bull than ever). They put the pacemaker at the bottom of my rib cage and gave me epicardial (sp?) leads, told me later they didn't want to cause extra trauma by the normal method of threading the leads internally. The pericardium requires so much more voltage to activate the ventricle, though, that the battery only lived about half as long. So now they put the new unit up near my clavicle and gave me the normal internal leads. They say the new battery should last 12-15 years. :clapping:
Here is the old unit: