Damn wind

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Middletown, PA
Had a cover on my genII, and the wind just blew the damn thing over. Gotta replace the front fender, and possible the rear, haven't fully assessed it yet, my head was about to ******* explode, so I had to step away for a bit. Got a little second side stand thing from Amazon for the other side to support it going forward, this cover is a little too big for the bike, so I think I need to get a more snug fitting one too. The hazards of not having a garage I suppose.

If it's parked on the road, can you not put a few paving slabs in front of the blue bin and put the bike there?

If you don't have a dropped curb, make a small ramp from wood.

I did wonder whether a car cover, acting as a sail would be have enough force to tip the bike over, must be annoying that somebody hit it.

To stop the cover flapping use bungee cords to tie it down.

Also is buying a motorcycle garage, these vary in design from a tent like structure to a metal box, not an option?

I realise these extra hoops to jump through for storing your pride and joy are a PITA, but ultimately will save you aggravation.
If it's parked on the road, can you not put a few paving slabs in front of the blue bin and put the bike there?

If you don't have a dropped curb, make a small ramp from wood.

I did wonder whether a car cover, acting as a sail would be have enough force to tip the bike over, must be annoying that somebody hit it.

To stop the cover flapping use bungee cords to tie it down.

Also is buying a motorcycle garage, these vary in design from a tent like structure to a metal box, not an option?

I realise these extra hoops to jump through for storing your pride and joy are a PITA, but ultimately will save you aggravation.
I think it's going by the house when it's all better, and we're actually house shopping since the wife has been itching for a bigger house for 10 years now, amd this was the straw to get me on board. Looks like there is a garage in the Max's future.

Well, local Yamaha dealer has it now, it's up to them and the insurance company to make it right, damages are damn near the blue book value of the bike, so to get her back home I might need to shave a few items from the "make her whole" again list and be slumming here looking for parts :) Wish me luck! ******* bastards not watching where they are going with the damn cages.

And nevermind just got the cam footage, some ******* hit it with his car.
Oh I hope you got a license plate from the footage. I found mine from a similar situation in a church parking lot. Regarding the bent fork comment, agree with Sean. But, they might have got twisted in the triples...mine were. I lifted the front end, loosened the front axle pinch bolts & triple pinch bolts. Everything alligned & I was pointing straight going down the road again.
Similar scenario happened to me years back with a brand new 2001 Speed Triple that I was foolish to lock myself in with high monthly payments I could barely afford at the time. Neighbour found out his wife was cheating on him, hoped in his truck and backed out of his driveway like a bat of hell while giving my bike a high five. He actually stopped, put the bike backed on its stand (albeit now pissin’ oil) and left a note apologizing and to call him. After we talked I felt worse for his predicament and the shitstorm that was goin to fall on him. I told him my insurance will take care of it. He had enough on his plate.
All to say tho, I remember as it was yesterday that feeling of dread when I walked up to it and pulled back the cover. Hope your ride gets sorted out proper!