Different keys for ignition and gascap?

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user 1261

Active Member
Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Back in the VMAX saddle with an '06! This one has a different key for the gascap. I had a 2000 that had one key. Is this right?
See if it fits in the fork lock. If it does then the gas cap was replaced, if it doesn't then the ignition was.
+1 to all of these..and congrats on bein back in the saddle.

something to consider, if you have 2 different keys. you *should* (ed or another locksmith can correct me) be able to get a blank and have one pattern cut on one side and one pattern on the other and as long as its oriented properly it will work on both.
The tumblers are pretty simple. Any local locksmith could rearrange them so the key fits them all. I did my sons helmet lock on his tw200, and its the same as the vmax.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, Garrett is correct, you could do that but you'd just have to make sure that you mark the key so you knew which way to put it in each time. Or like Bob said have the ign rekeyed the same as everything else.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, Garrett is correct, you could do that but you'd just have to make sure that you mark the key so you knew which way to put it in each time. Or like Bob said have the ign rekeyed the same as everything else.

cool. if it didn't work you could always turn it around and try i figured. but knowing murphys law is in effect i'd probably screw it up every.*******.time. heh
I have this same problem with my bike, I bought a new helmet lock that obviously came with a different key, only issue I see is that the the two keys (the original on my bike and the one for the helmet lock) are actually shaped differently meaning that they would take two different blanks, will a lock smith be able to change this as well?