Well-Known Member
Prayers to ya Dennis! Good thing you were there to find him and get him to the hospital Bill!
Not presumptuous at all Bill, were here to help out a brother in need!We're getting Dennis's VMax back from the crook who towed it on Thursday.
We're planning on hanging onto it a few days before we trailer it back to his house - he probably won't be there, anyway.
My plans are to clean the bike well, and inspect for damage.
This may be presumptious of me, but I am going to post a list of the damaged parts, with the request that any members having an extra of them help Dennis out by kicking them into the replacement parts pile...
He got Mercy Flighted to the hospital (we recently found out) - this bill is going to be staggering....
I've had two life flight against my insurance. Both of them were between $2K7-$30K
My part after insurance for each was less than $600
Hopefully his will be too.
I'll do what I can when you post a list, although I've already given most of my cosmetic parts away