Do I need to fill the tank?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
Banff, Alberta
Ok, so everyone knows the Max has a small tank.... no surprise there.... Here's my question.

I filled up just before I left town to come to work this morning. Traveled 70Km's (46miles) before arriving at work. I wasn't boosting and was trying to be relatively calm on the throttle, however I had one HELL of a time trying to conserve fuel on the highway (entire drive is highway). Every time I looked down I was going 130Kmh (80.7mph), so I would roll off the throttle and bring it back down to 120kmh (75.5mph). I'd look down again, bike would be rolling along between 130-140, so I have to force myself to slow down.

Here's the question. How many of you think I can make it home without filling up? I of course will be riding the same way home, both in distance and style. I'll try to take it easy on the throttle but won't be doing any less than 120kmh.

I know for a fact that my fuel light will kick in when it is supposed to, with 3 liters (.79 gallons) left and can make it to a gas station if I had too, but it means I have to bypass my exit and then take a more involved route to get home.... normally this would be just fine, but it's 36 degrees Celsius (96.8?F) today and I'll be in full gear.... by the time I'm done a fuel stop I'll be ready to get home and dive in the pool.....
I have a stg 7 kit installed and i can make this distance you state, (140k) with no problem. Driving style is about the same. Most of mine are all highway as well.
if it was my bike, there wouldn't be a problem
i had to go on google and convert all the #'s first...

70 km ~ 45 miles
120kmph - 130 kmph ~ 75 - 80 mph.
from the sounds of it every max is different. My stock was only getting around 28-32 seems not matter how I ride but it is running like ****. Getting that fixed an hopefully will be getting around 40 or so. Just depends man
I can make it 90 plus on just over 2 gallons of fuel. Head winds and such will change that.

I edited the post to include the antiquated form of measurement that we use here... lol
I have a stg 7 kit installed and i can make this distance you state, (140k) with no problem. Driving style is about the same. Most of mine are all highway as well.

I figured as much, but wanted to get some feedback. My first trip on it to work I already had a couple of tears around town on the tank and never thought much of it..... until I was on my way home (on the highway!) and the gas light came on. 10 minutes later of highway driving I was at the pumps. Only took 10.5 liters or so. :)
Every time I looked down I was going 130Kmh (80.7mph), so I would roll off the throttle and bring it back down to 120kmh (75.5mph). I'd look down again, bike would be rolling along between 130-140, so I have to force myself to slow down.

My 1985 stocker actually gets better mpg doing a sustained 80mph (41mpg)than it does at a sustained 60mph (37mpg).
I know for a fact that I would be looking for a fuel station LOL.
My bike runs good but my gas mileage is ****** 27-28 mpg.:confused2::damn angry:
DO you have fuel at home, or will you have to get to a station after going home anyway? I'd say go for it - I put about 115 miles on a tank doing similar highway conditions when I first picked up my '85. You'll be ok
doing 85mph constant on highway, my '86 with panniers, large-ish windshield and a Venture pumpkin will go 105 miles from full to reserve. I know the reserve is .8 gal so I figure that's good for another 20-25 miles, for a total of 125 to 130 miles to empty. How many miles did you say you needed again?
Ok, I went 148.2 KMs and fuel light did NOT come on. I was running at or around 130Kmh on the ride home (into the wind for the most part). Did not hit boost at all today. So I am pleased :)
Ok, I went 148.2 KMs and fuel light did NOT come on. I was running at or around 130Kmh on the ride home (into the wind for the most part). Did not hit boost at all today. So I am pleased :)

Let me clarify that I am pleased with the fuel economy but not neccesarily about NOT boosting :D
I say no problem, go for it. If it becomes a problem (leaving you at the side of the road without gas), just call me and I'll offer some words of encouragement.:rofl_200:
Ok, I went 148.2 KMs and fuel light did NOT come on. I was running at or around 130Kmh on the ride home (into the wind for the most part). Did not hit boost at all today. So I am pleased :)

Running at 130kmh I get 175-180km before the light comes on. [99 carbon fibre model] Slow down then and you should go at least 25km on reserve.
Running at 130kmh I get 175-180km before the light comes on. [99 carbon fibre model] Slow down then and you should go at least 25km on reserve.

Now having tested my reserve , from when the light goes on til empty at 100kmph (no boost) = 43kms .

I took at bottle of petrol in my pack with me . :punk: